[07:55:55] [[Tech]]; ArchiverBot; Bot: Archiving 1 thread (older than 30 days) to [[Tech/Archives/2015]].; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=12974538&oldid=12963526&rcid=6651489 [13:04:09] hi there, is there any chance that i could get logs of swift proxy server cluster? [13:16:05] laven: which problem would you like to solve? [13:22:18] i want to make swift cluster auto scale in reaction to workload variation [13:27:13] laven: do you talk about your swift cluster? do you talk about Wikimedia's swift cluster? [13:30:44] my swift cluster. actually I'm a phd student, and i'm writing a paper. [13:31:52] so, i want some real workload to test my autoscaling mechanism [13:47:55] laven: it seems your request is not specifically related to Wikimedia. If so, perhaps #mediawiki or even a Swift channel would be more appropriate. [13:48:03] Have you tried "ab"? [13:54:55] Nemo_bis: ok, got it. thank you guys :) [13:55:24] um...one last question, what is "ab"?