[16:26:10] hey guy [16:26:53] i am having some issues implementing the wiki api into our search engine and my tech doesn't seem to cover everything [16:27:34] you have any suggestions on which api and settings or parameters to use so we can have a similar setup to google results ? [16:27:54] we would like to return wiki results into our search engine based on a search query, keyword [16:29:49] http://gyazo.com/29d011da4725d3982a5c7be77e534e99 [16:30:29] something like that, not necessarily with images but even better if we can pull them as well [16:30:40] any suggestions please ? [16:32:52] basically a search api or feed so we can add wiki results to our own, preferably xml [16:34:38] I think Google do a lot of post processing [16:37:26] not necessarily the exact same setup, but something similar, my tech tried but ended up with a dead end so hopefully you guys could help us figure it out [16:37:47] we just need to be able to show wiki results as well on our results pages... [18:48:01] Nikerabbit, what kind of example you need (wrt https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T98004#1408483 ) [18:50:53] just enough to recognize the patterns [18:51:32] Hmm :P the pattern is the regex pattern one ;) [18:52:38] https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot-i18n/blob/master/category/en.json [18:53:04] the %(...)s are the parts which must be present in both [18:53:51] but order/number of them doesn't matter (subset or superset work but shouldn't happen) [18:54:33] subset as in: translation has less names than English version but ignoring multiple with the same name [18:54:36] :/ [18:55:08] "%(foo)s bla %(bar)s" → There should be at least one %(foo)s and at least one %(bar)s in the translation [18:55:16] there shouldn't be any else %(...)s [18:56:16] so "%(foo)s %(foo)s %(bar)s" is fine, or "%(bar)s %(foo)s" but not "%(bar)s" (missing foo) or "%(bar)s %(foo)s %(baz)s" (additional baz) [18:56:41] And there shouldn't be any %(...) without ending d or s [18:57:03] as that indicates that the s/d was forgotten [19:11:38] omg that's a Nikerabbit [19:31:13] xzise: doable, but please remind me next week [19:51:55] Nikerabbit, aka tomorrow? [19:52:35] xzise: I should just file a task