[13:56:23] Okay there is something weird going on :/ with the api [13:56:27] http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=ids|timestamp&titles=The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory&rvlimit=1&rvendid=145491640&rvdir=newer [13:56:44] this returns to me the first revision (parentid is 0) despite the rvendid which is not the last [13:56:58] http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=ids|timestamp&titles=Main%20Page&rvlimit=1&rvstartid=139871&rvdir=newer [13:57:01] Same with Main Page [18:52:25] so uploading a new version of a file doesn't count as an edit, but uploading a file from scratch does. Is this a feature or a bug? [18:53:12] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/The_Arty_Farty_Cool_Dude <-- this guy has 22 uploads and only one edit [18:54:36] Magog_the_Ogre: if you mean the editcount field in database, that's about revisions [18:55:02] So it's correct [18:56:50] thanks [19:10:54] Magog_the_Ogre: the disconnect between file versions and file-page revision is a well-known annoyance. [19:11:15] maybe we'll fix it one day. but after ten years, people are kind of used to it. [19:11:48] yeah [19:12:38] my CS teacher used to call them the "golden handcuffs", although it looks like he was misusing the term [19:12:50] or maybe I'm misremembering, don't know [19:13:01] when you have an old feature that you deprecate, you can never get rid of it, ever. [22:12:20] James_F|Away: You made my live a lot easier today. VE made a lot of new users happy :-) [22:27:39] good job James_F [22:28:31] multichill: I think Krenair, RoanKattouw_away and others helped quite a bit, but thank you. :-) [22:28:36] :D [22:28:51] Spread the love ;-) [22:30:17] Is https://git.wikimedia.org/robots.txt managed by puppet? [22:30:58] Nemo_bis: Possibly in apache-config? [22:31:00] * James_F shrugs. [22:33:47] Nemo_bis, it is in puppet [22:33:55] modules/gitblit/manifests/init.pp [22:34:34] Nemo_bis, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/OPUP/browse/production/modules/gitblit/manifests/init.pp;9f5ba5a49c745c9fad42585ac1d70fdf60475067$63 [22:35:23] Right. I'm blind [23:04:34] Hello [23:04:44] is anyone here willing to help our small wiki with a javascript problem? [23:04:49] I can't solve it because my knowledge is bad [23:05:01] we have a transliteration system, and the unicode which is used doesn't have capital letters [23:05:07] so all letters get converted to small letters [23:05:15] while we need them to be converted to normal English with capital letters