[12:44:36] grok.se not updating since 18th feb .. [16:41:12] hi! Is it possible to get the wikitext of a specific section using the API? (like you'd get when you edit a section) [16:41:37] the reason I'd like to know: I'm thinking of making a gadget to edit a section inline [17:24:13] Skalman: yes, let me look it up [17:24:45] Skalman: just so you know, there are several such gadgets in existence (although they're all in various stages of decay, i think) [17:25:53] Skalman: action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&rvsection=N, where N is section number [17:35:46] MatmaRex: Where would you find those gadgets? I figured they'd be available on en-wp, but didn't find any [17:37:29] Skalman: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:ASM/quickedit.js [17:37:33] Skalman: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedysta:Matma_Rex/quickedit.js [17:37:53] last time i checked, both were broken and didn't actually work for editing pages [17:39:01] huh.. that's unfortunate - personally I just want something really basic [18:59:40] MatmaRex: In case you're interested - I made my own pretty basic version which doesn't save with AJAX. https://sv.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Skalman/inlineedit.js [19:00:03] tested in Firefox, but it should work on other browsers too