[06:33:05] Where I can report if from Wikipedia showing result in an error "Error code: sec_error_ocsp_old_response"? [06:47:38] ssl__: phabricator! [06:48:05] ssl__: more precisely here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/ [06:48:41] ssl__: add it to the "HTTPS" and "operations" projects [06:49:26] thanks for projects [11:29:15] Good evening TechMedians, [11:29:47] MKar @or.wikipedia.org from Odisha, India [15:17:58] Someone could apply my public key? [15:18:16] please [15:20:12] The_Photographer: apply? where? [16:50:45] what is the best way yo build a external javascript application to simulate upload images on mediawiki? [16:53:16] Simulate? [16:55:01] yes [16:55:22] create a bot to upload images [16:55:30] using a external javascript file [16:55:53] using a offline javacript file added dynamically in runtime to mediawiki [18:28:44] Anyone else getting 502s from bits.wikimedia.org? [18:28:56] example url? [18:29:26] Seems other people are reporting similar issues [18:29:28] cgt: are you in Europe? [18:29:35] stylesheets on various Wikimedia sites, it lasted for a while, but it seems to have resolved itself now [18:29:39] mutante: yes [18:29:57] a server in esams is currently being rebooted, that could be related [18:30:12] hold on until that's back [18:30:17] https://bits.wikimedia.org/en.wikipedia.org/load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.echo.badge%7Cext.gadget.DRN-wizard%2CHideFundraisingNotice%2CReferenceTooltips%2Ccharinsert%2Cfeatured-articles-links%2Cgeonotice%2CrefToolbar%2Cswitcher%2Cteahouse%7Cext.rtlcite%2Cwikihiero%2CwikimediaBadges%7Cext.uls.nojs%7Cext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.noscript%7Cmediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%2Cshared%7Cmediawiki. [18:30:19] skinning.interface%7Cmediawiki.ui.button%7Cskins.vector.styles%7Cwikibase.client.init&only=styles&skin=vector&* [18:30:23] that's one of the URLs that failed [18:30:33] but it's finen ow [18:30:34] cgt: is it still there? [18:30:39] fine now* [18:30:46] ok, bblack just took that broken server out of rotation [18:32:54] cgt: likely hardware failure, it's disabled now