[00:28:10] <_1_Raheem> Zhjfjs:'( [00:28:20] <_1_Raheem> Ghcd [13:18:45] Hi people... I have a problem five months ago. When I try to edit a page, there are 3 possible answers: The page was edit (10%), The page have any word that provoke an error (30%), I have a 403 error page (60% of probability). [13:18:46] For example, "psyBNC" is a word that generate an error. [13:18:54] If I put: "psy BNC", the error disappear. [13:19:01] The error are translated to the "preview" button too [13:19:07] http://prntscr.com/538ztg <--- Page 403 [13:37:47] For the record we're working with dp07Daniel in #mediawiki. [13:44:03] freenode's netsplits are annoying, but EFNet's netsplits are catastrophic [13:44:34] I get kicked out of my channels and when irssi rejoins all the windows are numbered incorrectly. :( [13:46:25] Nemo_bis: /windows layout save [13:46:26] ;) [13:46:31] -s [13:47:02] (saves the numbering of the windows, so the next time, #wikimedia-tech will have the same number it has now [13:48:52] Sorry, that's not how it works :) [13:49:13] huh? [13:52:30] err, it's /layout save, my bad. [13:52:49] http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup#c4 [14:52:38] wtf, Google unlearnt redirects? https://www.google.it/search?q=Traber+1678+site%3Awikipedia.org [15:07:23] Should already works in all wikipedias? [15:08:37] I tried to rewrite templates in ruwp using it, but didn't see any icons =( [15:12:24] putnik: there is at least one bug filed, search bugzilla [15:12:55] manybubbles: if I type "Extension:Multimedia" in mediawiki.org's search box, I get first suggestion "Extension:Multimedia/Media Viewer​" , which doesn't exist [15:13:19] Nemo_bis: I'll have a look [15:16:36] Nemo_bis: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73022 [15:17:16] I'll put it aside for a bit while I finish up what I'm on now [15:17:54] Thanks [15:36:21] Ugh. Thousands templates to be edited to avoid mediaviewer galleries [17:26:51] Mobile IP edit who reverts VisualEditor vandalism :D https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cuoco&curid=650315&diff=69005658&oldid=68994204 [19:03:37] If only it said what it does https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wikipedia-speedup/ppmagkdpdaaabpmdppckemgkngkpchdl/reviews?hl=en [19:05:36] Well, it's JS, right? So there's source. [19:06:33] Nemo_bis: Cancels centralNotice requests [19:06:52] Short little script, pretty nifty [19:21:56] * Nemo_bis too lazy [19:21:58] Thanks [22:41:49] Alchimista [22:42:15] zippo^: ? [22:43:16] PM