[10:34:12] is there any way I can disable this new typography? [10:36:05] mhm [10:36:16] with css I think ;o [10:42:23] Wiki13, in the beta tab, or use monobook skin [10:42:35] Untrue. [10:42:57] On non-Wikipedia wikis, you cannot disable it by unticking the beta tab in Preferences. [10:43:04] i want to disable it globally [10:43:18] I don't link it at all [10:43:30] You'd need to copy the CSS to each and every wiki you visit. [10:43:55] or import it from say... [10:43:58] meta [10:44:00] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Odder/vector.css is what I stole from enWP [10:44:03] with a gloab.css [10:44:11] There is a global.css? [10:44:22] no [10:44:27] but you can make one yourself [10:44:30] right? [10:44:35] in your userpage [10:44:39] and import it [10:44:45] userspace* [10:46:37] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Typography_refresh#Some_.28probably_unwanted.29_feedback [10:46:43] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Cathfolant/typographyrefreshoverride.css [10:47:32] that seccond I found too [11:30:58] Nemo_bis http://prntscr.com/36bk13 [13:31:41] I am an admin in the Hebrew Wikivoyage. I am interested in knowing - how would we be able to hide the page name written on the top from all pages? (In the Hebrew Wikivoyage, similarly to the English Wikivoyage, the page name should appear in a banner instead) [13:33:27] ? [13:33:53] WikiJunkie: your question isn't clear, and it takes time to get a reply [13:34:19] written on the top? the english wikivoyage seems to have that [13:34:59] WikiJunkie: http://gyazo.com/5a21b37f2c0faf0c20f3649608ef9420 [13:36:40] closedmouth - look again ... [13:36:41] https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Christchurch [13:37:14] looks the same to me [13:37:15] there is no page name at the top (instead it appears only in the banner) [13:37:37] what skin are you using? [13:37:46] vector [13:39:16] must be something in their local vector skin then [13:39:42] https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Vector.css [17:00:07] Is "My" CC'd Bugs supposed to return a list of bugs that I've subscribed to as CC? [17:01:45] afaics https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32551 not showing up for me even though im subscribed [17:01:51] but then so are 57 others [17:03:47] *27 [17:05:44] Withoutaname: only if they are NEW/ASSIGNED/REOPENED [17:05:50] which that one is not - it's PATCH_TO_REVIEW [17:06:00] ok [17:06:07] Reedy: you should probably update the "My" CC'd Bugs query [17:06:09] thnx [18:10:16] How to make AbuseFilter? [18:11:25] Kolega2357: Do you mean "How can I write an extension that does what AbuseFilter does" or "How can I write rules for AbuseFilter"? [18:11:55] How can I write rules for AbuseFilter [18:12:23] Kolega2357: Helpful hint: Use the tab key to auto-complete usernames - e.g. type "mar" then press tab. [18:13:21] Kolega2357: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AbuseFilter#Abuse_filter_management has all of the documentation linked [18:13:30] thanks for helping [18:49:45] how silly of gerrit, if I login it complains I logged out when I click diffs [19:59:55] ^d: any idea why CirrusSearch gives 14 results when you search for a string when Lucene gives 7k+? [20:00:18] https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=41523983%40N08&fulltext=Buscar is the URL [20:01:22] Results 1 - 14 of 14 for 41523983@N08 when logged in (with CirrusSearch enabled in my Preferences) [20:01:31] Results 1 - 50 of 7,311 for 41523983@N08 when logged out [20:02:57] or manybubbles, this might interest you [20:03:23] <^d> hmmmmm [20:04:41] <^d> Hmm, in a template? Url data. [20:04:46] <^d> Looks like the likely suspects. [20:04:53] <^d> (Remember, we fully expand all wikitext) [20:05:08] How do you mean, in a template? [20:06:24] <^d> It looks like that text is in a template that gets expanded. [20:06:44] No, it's part of an URL to a flickr profile [20:07:07] <^d> Yeah, we don't catch URLs right now. [20:07:08] |Author= [http://www.flickr.com/people/41523983@N08 Carole] [20:07:11] <^d> We've got a bug about that. [20:07:24] Oh, didn't know that. [20:07:36] <^d> Let me find it for you [20:07:45] <^d> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52905 [20:08:47] Thanks ^d [20:08:53] <^d> You're welcome. [20:16:09] ^d: I though we were supposed to catch urls if they were in the text [20:16:23] I suppose it might be a segmentation issue [20:19:31] <^d> manybubbles: I think it wasn't....but anyway :) [20:33:28] manybubbles: search/highlighter has been build in Jenkins :-] [20:33:35] ^d: ^^ [20:33:36] thank you! [20:33:46] I'm going to get it releasable via archiva now [20:33:54] manybubbles: had to tie it to jdk 7 which was not obvious [20:34:07] well, technically I'm going to get it buildable with nothing other then what is in archiva [20:34:15] hashar: its right there in the pom :) [20:34:22] where any java developer would look for it :) [20:34:34] also, java 1.6 is eol a while ago [20:34:35] ahah [20:35:00] maybe I should move everything to java 1.7 [20:36:20] if it is java 6 we should probably start poking people to move off [21:06:45] <^d> manybubbles: people still use 1.6? [21:06:46] <^d> :p [21:25:51] Oh, I thought MediaWiki 1.6 [21:26:04] (I think someone does; though 1.8 is way more common) [21:27:50] Nemo_bis I am sent you message on translatewiki