[01:18:28] Hi [01:19:15] How a user can have 498 edits on Active users list while he has only 60 total? [01:19:26] How the value is calculated? [01:19:45] Alan_ffm@plwikisource [01:20:16] https://pl.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Specjalna:Aktywni_użytkownicy [01:20:38] vs. [01:20:51] https://pl.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Specjalna%3AZarz%C4%85dzanie+kontem+uniwersalnym&target=Alan+ffm [01:21:07] ....odd [01:36:28] ankry: Sixty total according to what? [01:37:23] Never mind, I see it. [01:38:07] gj Gloria [01:38:35] I found the 60. [01:38:42] Still looking for the 498. [01:40:01] Got it. [01:40:11] ankry: ActiveUsers is actions, not just edits. :-) [01:40:34] ankry: So "Alan ffm" has 498 recent actions, but only 60 edits (total). [01:40:59] Looks like the actions are Wikibase-related. [01:41:04] Probably changing interwikis? [01:42:20] ankry: http://p.defau.lt/?pbjaOuxonO2gQKRh4iDUYA [03:14:17] is ULS responsible for the recent slowdowns lately? [03:15:04] im receiving a lot of errors from https://bits.wikimedia.org/meta.wikimedia.org/load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=site&only=styles&skin=monobook&* [03:15:40] What sort of errors? [03:18:39] in my browser console I think: http://tools.wmflabs.org/paste/view/ee9631c5 [03:25:25] What is this about: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Foundation_wiki_feedback#Wikipedia_image_failures [03:25:28] ? [03:26:17] examples would be very helpful [03:26:20] "something is broken" [03:26:23] is not [03:26:30] hey [03:26:33] Betacommand: hi [03:29:01] I'm not sure what information I can give you [03:29:59] all I know is that my browser (FF 27.0.1) is loading wiki pages really slow [03:30:22] so I checked my console and had to disable javascript on any page I loaded [03:35:14] Newyorkadam: hay [03:59:49] huh [04:16:06] it's a bit better now [07:51:25] Gloria: thanks. [07:55:51] Gloria: pl translation of RecentChanges is misleading: in Polish the Engish "actions" are translated as "edycje" ("edits") [11:13:57] ankry: where do you see the word 'action' in 'recent changes'? [11:14:50] ankry: sratch that, I read up for a bit more context and that helped. [12:47:02] ....wow [12:47:07] https://www.wikivoyage.org/ has a list of sister projects at the top [12:47:23] how can i enable that for all sister projects please [12:48:20] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Www.wikivoyage.org_template [13:19:08] apergos: I'm importing a translatewiki.net dump... at 4.4 revs/sec ... [13:20:10] I don't want to quarrel with puppet over MySQL config though https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_dumps/Tools_for_importing [13:20:30] (and I've no idea if the suggestions on Meta can really be trusted, some look rather weird) [15:49:30] MatmaRex: opera ftw https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metrics_and_activities_meetings/Quarterly_reviews/Wikipedia_Zero/March_2014#Opera_Mini_support [15:50:15] ha [15:58:23] mobile is evil [16:31:26] Oh, only 2 more weeks before GSoC applications deadlines https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2014 [16:31:33] MatmaRex: so, did you decide to apply? :) [16:32:52] Nemo_bis: i probably will [16:33:08] i should probably have some actual draft of the projectand some possible mentors first tho ;) [16:33:34] MatmaRex: and what are you going to do more than you already do? :o [16:34:06] Nemo_bis: probably something about making creations of custom skins suck a bit less [16:34:10] creation* [16:34:11] Can't imagine any need for mentor, is it possible to have you mentor someone who mentors you in turn? :D Like, dunno, you mentoring Krenair and vice versa (or some other volunteer) [16:34:18] Ah, epic [16:34:54] well, some mentor is supposed to exist :P [16:35:25] i would also like my work to be, in fact, merged, and that would require someone looking at what i do too [16:43:33] MatmaRex: peer programming is the most effective; rarely mentors have enough time to get stuff merged for their students [16:44:13] But with such a project you'd need someone with inner knowledge of the skinning system (is it even possible? dunno) [16:47:09] i'm not going to rewrite the skinning system itself, the "core" is not bad, but there's a lot of warts at the sides where it's integrated with everything [16:47:40] where "everything" includes resourceloader, extension registering internals, autoloading magic, and the entirety of our client-side javascript [16:47:54] and probably more things i've forgotten right now [16:48:38] my major gripe is how core skins are interdependent on mediawiki core, mostly, and fixing that would require touching all of the above components [18:27:47] Tech News #2014-11 has been published: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2014/11 [18:34:07] I will never understand this published vs. delivered thing [18:35:11] guillom will be more than happy to explain this to you, I am sure [18:36:25] I think "published" just means "closed" here :) (dunno if that's the term in English too) [18:36:33] "ready for print" or something [18:36:37] imprimatur [19:22:59] Is it a bug or a feature that if I block an account with the "hide user" option, and /then/ rename it, the supposedly hidden user name is visible in the rename log? [20:36:17] https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cunningham%27s_Law&diff=7767530&oldid=7766961 heh. [20:46:44] MatmaRex: I made the page translateable ;) [20:48:04] Reedy: someone just undid that. :P https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cunningham%27s_Law&diff=next&oldid=7767629 [20:48:47] Undone [21:10:45] MatmaRex, Reedy: Ah that TeleComNasSprVen guy again. Doesn't know how to deal with edit conflicts either, apparently [21:11:29] Krenair: Press the "Save my version, cause I'm right" button [21:11:40] heh [21:12:39] {{w}} is such a silly template [21:13:07] Swap them all for {{ll} [21:13:08] } [21:13:19] That looks to be something that should hit Wikidata tbh [21:13:26] hoo: Make it so! [21:13:36] which of the two? [21:14:28] Two of the what? [21:15:10] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_370&diff=598746400&oldid=598746320 [21:15:18] STOP DELETING MY CHANGES [21:29:49] gry: my mistake: s/RecentChanges/ActiveUsers/ :)