[02:21:31] !log LocalisationUpdate completed (1.19) at Thu Apr 19 02:21:31 UTC 2012 [02:21:35] Logged the message, Master [02:22:49] !joan [02:22:57] I just broke something [02:23:10] You still break things? [02:23:29] yes, frequently [02:24:33] Request: POST http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RenameUser, from via cp1014.eqiad.wmnet (squid/2.7.STABLE9) to ( [02:24:33] Error: ERR_READ_TIMEOUT, errno [No Error] at Thu, 19 Apr 2012 02:23:15 GMT [02:25:00] (del/undel) 02:23, April 19, 2012 MBisanz (talk | contribs | block) renamed User:Kumioko to "Kumioko (renamed)" (318,300 edits. Reason: Test) [02:25:25] Test being ... Shitton of edits/ [02:25:26] ? [02:26:08] RD: long story [02:26:12] but i'm sure i broke something [02:29:48] RD I locked enwiki... [02:29:57] werdna !dev [02:30:33] !log LocalisationUpdate completed (1.20wmf1) at Thu Apr 19 02:30:33 UTC 2012 [02:30:36] Logged the message, Master [02:30:40] TimStarling [02:31:16] MBisanz: You want #wikimedia-opeartions. [02:31:23] Err, #wikimedia-operations. [02:31:29] But I'm not sure you broke anything. [02:31:32] Seems fine to me. [02:31:43] Is something not loading for you? [02:31:47] It's lagging [02:31:49] Joan: it's locked for editting [02:32:06] ok, unlocked [02:32:39] I see some watchlist lag. [02:32:58] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=dbrepllag&sishowalldb= [02:33:11] @replag [02:33:14] Not sure if you were the cause. [02:34:10] @replag all [02:34:19] jeremyb is broken. [02:35:11] @quit [02:44:17] jeremyb so now he wants to come back [02:44:26] so i moved his old account out of the way and he can register a new one [02:44:34] should have said too bad :P [02:44:39] MBisanz: I think the limit is 1 million or something. [02:44:45] Wikimedia might have a different one than the default. [02:44:47] ahh [02:44:54] Maybe it's lower now. [02:44:55] Who knows. [02:45:11] definitely was 50k at one point (or well, 99% sure) [02:45:25] but i think i've also heard talk of that not being the latest value (before today) [02:46:18] > Remove the limit on edit count, it is unnecessary now that we have job queue support. Untested. [02:46:27] From March 2011. [02:46:42] http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php?r1=83040&r2=83494 [02:47:09] well it didn't really break anything [02:49:41] Annabelle true [02:50:36] the servers were just like "whoa! ok, gimme a second" [03:03:16] Annabelle: Go on. [03:04:38] are you casting aspersions on the accuracy of my analogy? [07:22:51] deleting at Commons is painful at the moment, many timeouts, partial deletions etc. [07:23:24] Things like this: Request: POST http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Undelete&action=submit, from via amssq38.esams.wikimedia.org (squid/2.7.STABLE9) to ( [07:23:28] Error: ERR_READ_TIMEOUT, errno [No Error] at Thu, 19 Apr 2012 07:22:52 GMT [07:26:00] In cases like http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PROYECTO_BLUE_BEAM_DEVELADO-ARABE-.pdf I'm not able to get the file itself deleted, just its description. Even on the second attempt. [11:38:15] hello? [11:40:41] hi? [11:41:10] hello, do you speak french? ^^ [11:42:18] I can not install a mediawiki [11:42:26] the changelog: [11:42:39] Vérifications liées à l’environnement [11:42:55] Votre système utilise une combinaison de versions de PHP et libxml2 qui est boguée et peut engendrer des corruptions cachées de données dans MediaWiki et d’autres applications web. Veuillez mettre à jour votre système vers PHP 5.2.9 ou plus récent et libxml2 2.7.3 ou plus récent (bogue déposé auprès de PHP). Installation interrompue. [11:43:39] L’environnement a été vérifié. [11:44:10] vous ne pouvez pas installer MediaWiki [11:44:13] :/ [11:50:34] #mediawiki would be better [11:51:59] hashar: ^ :p [11:52:24] oy men [11:52:40] Reedy: sounds like an issue I can not duck :-D [11:53:02] It looks like PHP is "out of date" [11:53:08] Reedy: interestingly, I think I am the one that detected that issue in PHP :-D [11:53:09] due to libxml issues ;) [11:53:20] myrmex: je parle français oui :-D [11:53:27] myrmex: et je suis un des développeurs de MediaWiki [11:53:28] cool :d [11:53:50] j'ai un probleme j'arrive pas a installer le wiki sur mon site [11:54:42] une solution?* [11:54:57] myrmex: oui il faut mettre à jour ton serveur :-D [11:55:17] il est déjà à jour c'est le probleme [11:55:25] myrmex: quelle version de PHP as tu ? et quelle version de libxml2? [11:55:28] je suis chez ovh si ça aide [11:55:33] je vais voir ça [11:55:42] phpinfo() devrais te donner ca [11:56:44] mmm [11:56:50] je trouve ça où dans le ftp? [11:58:19] le plus simple est de faire un fichier contenant: et de l'envoyer sur ton site, par exemple sous le nom : version.php [11:58:39] ensuite http:///version.php [11:58:54] ça te donnera tout les informations sur PHP et libxml [12:00:02] exactement ça: oui [12:00:41] myrmex: http://dpaste.org/gOey9/ [12:00:42] ;) [12:01:10] je met ça? [12:03:07] j'ai créé le fichier avec le truc du lien [12:03:12] je fait quoi ensuite [12:03:23] tu l'envois sur ton serveur :-D [12:03:40] avec un nom genre: infophp.php [12:03:58] ça te permettra d'avoir la version PHP utilisée et celle de libxml2 [12:04:25] il est déjà sur mon ftp entant que fichier nommé phpinfo [12:05:46] comment lire les informations maintenant? je suis un peu perdu ^^ [12:06:20] il faut le nommer phpinfo.php [12:06:34] ensuite tu vas sur ton serveur: http:// … /phpinfo.php [12:07:43] http://lemyrmecophile.be/phpinfo.php [12:07:49] ça me met que le lien est brisé [12:09:02] que faire :/ [12:09:28] bug [12:10:06] a nan c'est bon [12:10:07] ^^ [12:10:24] c'est bien ce qui est dans le lien que tu m'a passer qu'il faut mettre dans le fichier? [12:11:38] vérifie que le fichier se nomme bien phpinfo.php dans le FTP [12:11:55] il doit être dans le même répertoire que index.html ou Equipe.php [12:12:37] (err Equipe.html ) [12:15:29] il est bien sous le nom phpinfo.php et dans le repertoire avec index.html mais le lien est toujours brisé [12:16:50] ca marche [12:16:57] non [12:17:01] myrmex: tu as php 5.3.10 ce qui est bien [12:17:04] http://lemyrmecophile.be/phpinfo.php [12:17:06] a si x) [12:17:28] en revanche libxml2 est en 2.6.32 ce qui est vieux [12:17:36] comment le mettre à jour? [12:17:46] en tout cas ça doit poser des problèmes de compatibilité avec PHP [12:18:08] a qui appartiens le serveur ? A toi ou à OVH ? [12:18:15] il faut le mettre à jour :-] [12:18:18] ovh [12:18:22] comment le mettre à jour? [12:18:27] un lien? [12:18:35] aucune idée, il faut contacter ovh [12:18:47] :x [12:19:10] je ne sais pas le fondateur mais je suis le webmaster du site donc j'en informerais le fondateur... [12:19:14] c'est chiant :/ [12:19:22] myrmex: la dure vie de l'informatique :-D [12:19:26] myrmex: le bug PHP est http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45996 [12:19:32] donc sans cette mise à jour je ne peux pas mettre mediawiki? [12:19:46] myrmex: à envoyer à OVH pour info [12:20:02] comment ça [12:20:08] et non pas de mediawiki installable désolé :-( ce bug nous pose problème [12:20:21] :/ [12:20:44] bin merci pour ton aide :) je peux voir ton e-mail au cas où j'ai besoin de te recontacter? [12:21:09] je ne lis pas mes mails [12:21:15] j'en reçois des centaines par jours :-D [12:21:15] ok x) [12:21:20] le plus sur et de me contacter sur IRC [12:21:26] t'es facilement joignable ici? [12:21:37] je suis ici de 9:30 à 18:30 et le soir par fois de 21:00 à 23:00 [12:21:41] donc oui ici :-D [12:21:49] Reedy: so that PHP / libxml2 issue is funny [12:21:50] ok merci hashar =) [12:22:05] bonne continuation [12:22:13] Reedy: it looks like it is caused by libxml2 2.7.x branch. It might work though with 2.6.x [12:22:39] Reedy: but I guess it is safer to just ask everyone to upgrade to libxml2 2.7 anyway [12:23:00] If it's readily available [12:23:34] oh 2.6.32 will not work anyway [12:23:42] à l'occasion si vous pouvez faire une version pour ma version de libxml2 ça serais cool xD [12:23:52] our installer actually try to reproduce the bug and bail out whenever the bug is triggered :-]]] [12:24:02] that is a clever work, much better than just checking the lib version [12:24:04] \o/ [12:24:10] ^demon : you are a hero [12:24:20] 2.6.32? It sounds like a linux kernel [12:24:42] that is libxml2 [12:24:51] myrmex: ça n'est pas possible :-( [12:24:59] myrmex: c'est un problème avec PHP :-D [12:25:10] ok x) [12:25:11] myrmex: bref OVH pourra très certainement réparer tout ça. [12:25:19] ok je vais les contacter :) [12:25:21] bye [12:25:27] merci pour tout :) [12:25:33] myrmex: sinon il faut leur dire: Wikipedia va passer à un coup de fil à Octave :-]]]]] [12:25:38] ++ [12:25:45] octave? [12:25:54] le directeur technique d'OVH :-D [12:26:08] a founder [12:26:16] ok mdr, on vois là les administrateurs des plus gros reseaux mondiaux ;p [12:26:27] ++ [12:26:32] saper: I think Octave cofounded OVH with his father [12:28:18] yeah something like that [12:28:31] "oles" :) [12:28:41] or oleś most probably [12:30:36] * Merlissimo wonders my his bot gets so many bad token responses on zhwiki api edit requests (other wikis are ok) [12:31:50] saper: it is an amazing company anyway. I actually wanted to apply there but my wife would had have a hard time finding a job in that part of France :D [12:35:55] hashar: I heard the family left Poland for France in 1989 so we still get very good support directly from him in Polish :) [12:36:23] hashar: where's their hq? Roubaix? [12:36:26] yup [12:36:31] north of France near Lille [12:36:34] which is an amazing city [12:38:58] ah [12:39:07] so actually you can work in Brussels :) [13:11:49] saper: we could switch to Brussels or Luxembourg :D [13:12:12] saper: but Nantes (my city) is on the Atlantic ocean which is way better than the channel or north sea :-))) [13:13:52] Merlissimo: has it only started happening recently? zhwiki is still on 1.19 and there hasn't been that many changes pushed to that I believe [13:19:38] p858snake|l: yes. In the past and on other wiki i am getting about less than 1% badtoken:Invalid token responses (then my bot rerequests an edit token and tries again). On zhwiki it about 10%-15% today [13:21:02] it seems that the livetime of a token is very short. [13:22:05] That should the same length for every wiki, and nothing thats been pushed sounds like it would break that type of stuff: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?path=%2Fbranches%2Fwmf%2F1.19wmf1%2F&title=Special%3ACode%2FMediaWiki [13:22:14] Merlissimo: can you file a ticket in Bz please? [13:23:35] is update to 1.20 already planned? If so i can wait an check if the problem still exists after mw 1.20 update. [17:52:59] !log Running schema changes for AFTv5 on testwiki [17:53:01] Logged the message, Mr. Obvious [18:50:45] !log catrope synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php 'Set wmgArticleFeedbackv5OversightEmails for enwiki' [18:50:47] Logged the message, Master [19:29:48] !log Running scap to deploy AFTv5 updates, and running AFTv5 schema changes on enwiki at the same time [19:29:51] Logged the message, Mr. Obvious [19:34:32] The version of the ProofreadPages extension currently deployed on Wikisource (1.20-wmf1) has a critical bugs that break a lot of pages : https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36093 [19:34:34] A patch have been merge with trunk : https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,5317 [19:34:36] Is it possible to deploy it before the 1.20-wmf2 deployment ? [19:34:44] !log catrope synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : ArticleFeedbackv5 updates [19:34:46] Tpt: It's being deployed as we spaek [19:34:46] Logged the message, Master [19:35:06] Like literally :) it's in the sync logmsgbot_ just reported [19:35:11] RoanKattouw: Thanks a lot ! [19:35:16] So hang on for another 15 mins or so and it'll be live [19:48:35] I've spent a fair amount of time in ProofreadPages yesterday and today, just didn't happen to encounter any with tosection/fromsection in them :( now I know. [20:07:52] AaronSchulz: Back now, what do you need? [20:09:04] hold on [21:01:23] !log catrope synchronizing Wikimedia installation... : Running scap again, AFTv5 is acting up [21:01:26] Logged the message, Master [21:03:56] !log Scap is broken in some weird way, it just stops running after the scap1-skins step. Doesn't run scap-1 (which does the actual sync), doesn't log "sync done", doesn't update graphite [21:03:58] Logged the message, Mr. Obvious [21:13:41] I need someone with shell access, is there anyone around ? [21:16:42] * AaronSchulz pesters RoanKattouw about https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/114955 [21:19:08] AaronSchulz: What's up? [21:19:11] Mardetanha: What do you need? [21:19:30] fixme, that's all ;) [21:19:43] I fixed that, didn't I? [21:19:47] * AaronSchulz is checking if MULTIVER_CDB_DIR_HOME is used in all places [21:19:47] Wait, I didn't? [21:20:07] AaronSchulz: Aah, off-by-one error in my commit msg. [21:20:13] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/114959 [21:20:23] Ooh, crap, different fixme [21:20:26] OK ignore what I said [21:20:33] * AaronSchulz wants to move it to a dir with git [21:20:40] Yeah me too [21:20:50] want to double check it to? [21:21:07] as long as all references to wikiversions.dat are using that constant it should be easy [21:21:09] OK so yeah the delete script should probably 1) delete the symlinks, 2) delete the dir if empty, 3) yell at you if not empty [21:21:38] RoanKattouw: you got a pm [21:32:05] Hi all. Could anyone help with the question of who's moderating https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaie ? There doesn't appear to be any list of moderators available via mailman... [21:33:45] mpeel, I'd ask Cary Bass [21:33:57] it's llikely him who setup that list [21:35:01] thanks Platonides - that does sound like it would have been the case… he's not available via IRC at the moment, is he? [21:36:38] not been online for the last 6 days mpeel [21:36:44] emailing would probably be best [21:38:23] RoanKattouw: was a new namespace added to meta in the upgrade? [21:38:27] ok, will do, thanks Thehelpfulone. [21:38:33] no problem [21:38:42] we've got one for Participation and Participation talk: that didn't exist a month ago [21:39:26] or AaronSchulz, might know as well - I think you were part of the the upgrading? [21:40:20] Hmm, maybe it belongs to an extension? [21:40:37] * AaronSchulz shrugs [21:40:43] * RoanKattouw greps [21:41:52] grep seems to work better than shrugging [21:42:13] Can't find it in core/extensions [21:42:23] What namespace? [21:42:45] [204]=> [21:42:46] string(13) "Participation" [21:42:48] [205]=> [21:42:50] string(18) "Participation_talk" [21:43:07] Well, it's in InitialiseSettings.php [21:43:18] Yeah found it [21:43:21] Now let's svn blame it [21:43:36] Wow, you actually store that stuff nowadays in SVN? [21:43:42] Yeah for a long time [21:43:46] We want to move it to git [21:43:49] It's in a private SVN repo now [21:43:52] Why isn't it public then? [21:43:56] Private stuff? [21:44:02] Because PrivateSettings.php is in the same repo, in the same dir [21:44:18] I want this to be a public git repo, managed in Gerrit [21:44:23] And it has stuff like DB info and site token? [21:44:25] So that random people can just submit stuff to it [21:44:34] Yes, PrivateSettings has all sorts of scary stuff like that [21:44:58] RoanKattouw: it would still need something to update scripts among the servers [21:45:08] Hi all [21:45:08] so how did it get there and is it on other wikis that need for it to be removed? [21:45:20] Let's see, DB password, $wgSecretKey, $wgProxyKey, secret for generating captchas, Swift passwords [21:45:36] Thehelpfulone: I'm running a "how did it get there" query but it's still running [21:45:42] I have a very simple question. I'm looking for your MySQL architecture. Are you using a single master and multiple slavaes? [21:45:44] hehe [21:45:46] It's examining a 10k-line file with a couple years of history, it takes a while [21:46:02] Gandalf: noc.wikimedia.org/dbtree [21:46:03] RoanKattouw: it only came in within the last month [21:46:05] RoanKattouw: btw, OpenGrok does stuff like that surprisingly fast [21:46:05] Ah, oops [21:46:13] Gandalf: http://noc.wikimedia.org/dbtree [21:46:13] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meta:Babel#Proposal_to_clean_Meta-Wiki_namespaces shows that it didn't exist before then [21:46:23] expand the hidden content [21:46:32] 3128 reedy 205 => 'Participation_talk', [21:46:45] r3128 | reedy | 2012-03-29 13:17:39 +0000 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012) | 2 lines [21:46:47] Add participation namespace to metawiki per request [21:46:58] March 29 [21:47:05] "per request" [21:47:06] Great! So,"cluster" is the master and "s1", "s2" and so on are the slaves? [21:47:18] Gandalf: No, s1 and s2 are masters serving separate sets of DBs [21:47:21] heh very helpful [21:47:40] ok, and db38 under s1? [21:48:43] db38 is the master [21:48:52] db36, db32, db52 and db12 are slaves [21:49:07] db1017 is a slave to db38, but it is also the master to db1033, db1043, db1047 and db42 [21:49:31] Because we're doing cross-datacenter replication. All numbers above 1000 are in the Virginia datacenters, all the lower numbers are in Tampa [21:50:29] If there's a shell request marked as fixed, but it is not actually fixed, what shall I do? [21:50:45] Thank you. Now it's clear [21:50:56] How many queries are you able to manage with a single master? [21:52:40] reopen it vvv? [21:52:58] I think I'll go the easier way [21:53:00] Reedy: ping [21:53:06] heh [21:53:21] when you find him ask him to ping me too please [21:53:36] Reedy: you've closed the request to enable FlaggedRevs on uk.wikipedia without really enabling it [21:56:26] are you using plain mysql replication or some open source apps to manage cluster? [21:57:18] Gandalf: pupper [21:57:21] *puppet [21:58:18] Gandalf: it's all in public: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=operations/puppet.git;a=tree;h=HEAD;hb=HEAD [21:59:08] thank you [21:59:30] I have a big project and I'm trying to understand how big-players are managing mysql infrastructure [22:08:36] as far as i know, pupput is used to manage server configuration ,but how do you remove a failed slave? also with puppet? [22:11:41] Gandalf: DB configuration listing is in PHP config file AFAIK: http://noc.wikimedia.org/conf/highlight.php?file=db.php [22:32:18] can someone check if this is still active: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27516 (we have problems with that but the extension code looks good) [23:13:09] does anyone know what Remove groups: parseinline is? [23:13:47] maybe a wmf 1.20 bug actually [23:13:51] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights [23:13:59] RoanKattouw ^ [23:14:17] sorry you're my guinea pig, I don't know who else to ping ;) [23:15:25] although.. TimStarling do you know who's best to poke about the wmf 1.20 upgrade? [23:15:37] That sounds like a bug yeah [23:15:39] see above, I've found a bug [23:15:45] Thehelpfulone: File it in Bugzilla [23:16:09] 1.20wmf is not an option https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=MediaWiki [23:16:21] Oh I'll put it in https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Wikimedia [23:16:31] No, put it in MediaWiki under 1.20-git [23:17:19] ok [23:19:31] done Roan ,https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36113 [23:19:59] Thanks [23:20:33] np