[07:17:42] Krinkle: The reason I wanted to try eleventy was to learn something new + see if we could get to number one on https://www.11ty.dev/speedlify/ [07:20:43] Ah but the toplist was only for deployed on Netlify, I see. I thought it was measuring different eleventy deploys. [12:04:02] https://blog.chromium.org/2020/08/highlighting-great-user-experiences-on.html [12:38:23] phedenskog: aye, perhaps there's another category we could fit under - https://www.speedlify.dev/ [12:38:52] Zach created one for JS tools, where the new QUnit site I made is now on top [13:43:54] gilles: I didn't see last time that it will be enabled with "Make Searches and Browsing Better” - that means synching I guess?