[16:45:07] neilk_: http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/extensions/UploadWizard/resources/mw.Api.edit.js?annotate=86150&diff_format=l&pathrev=86150#l57 [16:45:38] you alias this to api, but don't actually use it in a closure, is this a convention you are using? [16:45:41] TrevorParscal: yes? [16:46:14] TrevorParscal: it used to do something with that [16:46:20] it's not /wrong/ it's just curious, when you see something get aliased for no functional reason... [16:46:23] TrevorParscal: you are correct that it is now useless [16:47:37] lazy copied code, I guess, from elsewhere [16:47:56] no worries, just curious about it [16:48:08] it's certainly nothing to block deployment over [16:51:20] you can mark it for me to fix later [16:51:45] no, it's trivial, I marked it resolved - just left a note about it for future forgetting :) [17:13:43] TrevorParscal: did you saw my vector dialog css bug? [17:21:28] RoanKattouw_away: please let me know if you're still around today. there's a couple of things that nimish_g and I may need your help on [17:21:44] I'm in a meeting now [17:21:47] Then food [17:21:56] Then UW deployment [17:22:12] So I can help you if you guys sacrifice lunchtime [17:23:04] Any god in particular? [17:23:16] ( robla ) [17:23:40] RoanKattouw: no need to sacrifice lunchtime, but here's the scoop: [17:24:28] nimish_g, Erik M, and I were hoping to deploy Nimish's A/B testing stuff to mediawiki.org later today (after your deployment) [17:25:14] OK [17:25:21] the changes are mostly extensions, but there is one core change which adds a hook (no biggie), and (this is the part that's new to me as of today) a possible change to Resource Loader [17:25:51] Have these changes been reviewed? [17:25:58] (the extensions too) [17:26:03] Nimish thinks the change to RL isn't necessary, and is going to see if he can remove that dependency, but.... [17:26:11] Nikerabbit: the doubleflip thing? [17:26:26] RoanKattouw: if there's a change to RL, we of course want you or Trevor to review it before we do anything [17:26:48] Yes [17:26:55] ...and I wanted to check your availability before we made any plans [17:26:58] So if things need review, they're not gonna be deployed today [17:27:13] Is this for CustomUserSignup? [17:27:18] yeah [17:31:28] That has been on the calender forever [17:31:38] Why am I only hearing about you needing my involvement a few hours in advance then? [17:36:47] TrevorParscal: no the other one about link color overridin [17:36:57] link? [17:37:01] sounds familiar [17:37:25] TrevorParscal: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28690 [17:38:36] robla: I'll be available to deploy CUS in its allocated time slot on Wednesday (1-2pm) but not today [17:39:33] And I'll need to know what to deploy and what the reviewed-ness status of all those things is by start of business tomorrow [17:41:38] howdy [17:41:47] you guys doing an UploadWiz deploy soon? [17:41:51] Yeah [17:41:54] I gotta eat first [17:41:59] So I might be a bit late [17:42:07] thanks RoanKattouw [17:42:16] I have 2 rev in core that are related [17:42:20] already reviewed [17:42:40] 86568 and 86573 [17:42:45] Tag them uwdeploy [17:42:49] kaldari, fyi, Jan Paul is/was looking for you [17:42:50] ok [17:42:53] *RoanKattouw eats [17:42:56] ah [17:44:34] I seem to keep missing Jan Paul [17:44:46] what time zone/continent is he on? [17:45:27] Same as Roan [17:45:39] he left 2 and a half hours ago [17:47:16] janpaul123: howdy [17:47:30] Hey! [17:47:42] That was good [17:47:42] :D [17:47:52] janpaul123, were your ears burning? :P [17:48:06] Haha [17:48:20] kaldari: I suppose we should talk about WikiLove ^^ [17:48:31] *TrevorParscal needs moar foods to go on reviewing code [17:48:43] I literally poked kaldari 5 minutes ago to tell him you were looking for him [17:48:50] TrevorParscal, early start at work means more meals? ;) [17:48:58] janpaul123: yes, I have a brief meeting in 5 minutes, but I should be free after that [17:49:26] Reedy: we got a psychic thing going on I suppose ;) [17:49:34] ;P [17:49:49] kaldari: Ah, right. I'm in a bus now on 3G, and I'll be gone in half an hour.. [17:50:09] So perhaps you can e-mail me with your thoughts, and then I'll get back to you later? [17:50:20] janpaul123: Sounds good [17:50:23] Reedy: when you get up at 6:30am, lunch time should be at 10am [17:50:31] Perhaps I'm a bit more on IRC today, but can't tell for sure yet. [17:50:57] Awesome! :) [17:59:17] TrevorParscal: had a peek? [17:59:38] busy - sorry [17:59:42] leaving it open for laterz [18:01:51] neilk_, kaldari: Back now, you guys ready to roll? [18:02:04] yep [18:02:07] RoanKattouw: waiting on a couple of reviews from Trevor [18:02:33] OK [18:02:41] RoanKattouw: admittedly one of them was committed right before deadline, but I really want to get this in, as it is something Erik asks about every week [18:02:51] Right [18:03:01] right before is still before, right? ;) [18:05:04] RoanKattouw: ok we're pairing on the last reviews [18:05:07] Alright [18:05:38] TrevorParscal: (for later) Do you think you can get my clicktrack-no-shows-as-an-event suggestion into the code before the Wednesday deployment? [18:06:37] has anyone seen jorm around? [18:07:08] akshayagarwal, he's on holiday/moving house [18:07:08] nope [18:07:11] Be back on wednesday [18:07:18] Wait, thursday [18:07:41] thanks reedy [18:13:32] neilk_: ETA to being done reviewing [18:13:34] ? [18:17:25] they're reviewing it now [18:18:19] OK [18:20:55] I'll start prepping the deployment under the assumption that everything is fine [18:25:43] they're wrapping up now [18:25:50] hey Roan, we just okayed everything. thanks for your patience [18:26:10] Alright [18:26:19] I can just deploy trunk of UW, rigth? [18:26:23] yup [18:27:21] RoanKattouw: oh, except for the dependencies kaldari thinks he has -- you straightened that out? [18:27:32] Yeah I did those already [18:34:14] Alright, we're now on test.wp.o [18:34:44] testing [18:35:19] oh wait, we had this problem before didn't we [18:35:23] not working for me on test [18:35:28] Which problem [18:35:31] And what's not working? [18:35:33] it's stuck becuase the tutorial doesn't load? [18:35:56] also, LanguageHandler.js is empty on this wiki, Kaldari -- is that fatal? [18:36:03] it's supposed to display an error in that case I thought [18:36:06] MediaWiki:LanguageHandler I mean [18:36:09] .js [18:36:10] no, shouldn't be fatal [18:36:17] I'll doublecheck... [18:36:37] that's where it seems to halt [18:37:20] I am starting to think about a methodology for adding changes [18:37:32] we can't add dependencies without thinking [18:37:38] or at least recording it, for deploy [18:37:55] although, "methodologies" are evil. Maybe a checklist. [18:38:10] What kind of dependencies are you missing here? [18:38:37] works for me locally without MediaWiki:LanguageHandler [18:38:50] RoanKattouw: well, I thought it might have something to do with a new thing that Kaldari introduced which downloads a secondary JS file [18:39:01] Right, that MW:LangHandler.js thing [18:39:25] the 404 is different on test.wp.o [18:39:31] we get redirected [18:39:36] Oh [18:39:40] What URL? [18:39:56] http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:LanguageHandler.js [18:40:35] Yeah of course it's 404ing [18:40:40] That's default MW behavior [18:40:47] 404ing with a 200 [18:41:03] 404ing with content is perfectly legal [18:41:12] 200 OK is not [18:41:21] ok, let's just make one for test.wp.o ? [18:41:29] A page, you mean? [18:41:33] yes [18:41:40] OK [18:41:44] What should be in it? [18:41:56] i get a 404 from http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:LanguageHandler.js it looks correct to me [18:42:20] ok, created it on test [18:42:44] still seems to fail [18:42:58] Wait, does it actually fetch it using that URL? [18:43:05] Not with action=raw or something? [18:43:14] var languageHandlerUrl = wgServer + wgScript + '?' + $.param( { 'title': 'MediaWiki:LanguageHandler.js', 'action': 'raw', 'ctype': 'text/javascript' } ); [18:43:14] mw.loader.load( languageHandlerUrl ); [18:43:18] you're right it's using action=raw [18:43:39] I still get /* Empty */ [18:43:55] oh wait, shift-reload [18:44:13] doesn't help though [18:44:32] ok maybe that was a red herring [18:45:06] I'm getting an unrecognized prefix error in JS [18:45:13] oh? [18:45:15] I'm not [18:45:25] where & how [18:45:30] getPrefixedDb=function(){return prefix+this.getMain();};this.toText=this.getPrefixedText=.... [18:45:57] ok, that's in my Title.js [18:45:59] just from trying to load the page [18:46:21] I'm not aware of any changes there that would cause an issue but I think you did a change recently? [18:46:31] lemme check... [18:46:57] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/86376 [18:47:08] doesn't seem like it would affect it [18:47:46] I think that's my only change to Title [18:47:51] at least lately [18:48:11] kaldari: what's the exact error you are getting, which browser, which line of JS [18:48:37] ff4: unrecognized prefix [18:48:37] [Break On This Error] getPrefixedDb=function(){return prefix...ognized prefix");}return this;};this. [18:48:51] it's a minified line... [18:49:17] ok, line 172 [18:49:18] Does it happen with ?debug=true ? [18:49:29] oh, no that's just where it gets thrown from [18:49:37] ok, I'm throwing an uncaught exception then [18:50:51] so it's having some kind of problem with the namespaces on test? [18:50:53] it happens when it tries to get the feedbackpage from config [18:50:59] it dies there [18:51:04] hmm [18:51:07] so do we have config changes? [18:51:26] don't think so [18:51:42] and it shouldn't care if the feedbackpage is configured or not [18:51:50] unless that was changed in your refactoring [18:52:06] the config is 'Commons:Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback' [18:52:16] there is no 'Commons:' namespace on this wiki [18:52:19] hence kablooie [18:52:22] ha [18:52:29] could be more elegant [18:52:30] that makes sense then [18:52:45] RoanKattouw: can we get you to try a config change? [18:52:53] Sure [18:52:54] should just have it set to '' and then override on cluster [18:53:02] er on Commons I mean [18:53:13] feedback page of '' will work ? [18:53:23] yes, it should [18:53:50] or not define it at all, either one [18:54:08] well, what if we give it one that makes sense on test.wp.o [18:54:32] yeah, that would be good for testing :) [18:54:50] how about jsut Commons:Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback [18:54:55] grrr [18:54:57] RoanKattouw: in LocalSettings.php what is $wgUploadWizardConfig ... feedbackPage ? [18:55:08] that is, it's defined in the array that is $wgUploadWizardConfig [18:55:18] 'Prototype upload wizard feedback' [18:56:10] ["feedbackPage"]=> [18:56:12] string(40) "Commons:Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback" [18:56:41] Ok just make it 'Prototype_upload_wizard_feedback' [18:56:55] OK [18:57:54] done? [18:58:08] Done [18:58:10] that's much better! [18:58:11] thanks [18:58:21] ok, good to know, it should not blow up mysteriously like that. [18:59:35] ok, trivial test works for me [19:01:33] caught a bug, not sure if this is in software or config now [19:01:41] some weird formatting issues on textareas [19:02:17] Hello, in bnwiki, we want to add some new tools, like flood, rollbacker, reviewer, autopatrolled. Can anybody please tell, If we submit a bug for this, how long it will take to resolve? [19:02:36] Tanvir, there is no set deadline for any bug resolution [19:02:50] If something is higher priority, if you make people aware of it, it can get bumped up [19:02:55] I know that Reedy. Just an approximate time. [19:03:11] Flood flag seems very urgent there. [19:03:17] Greater than nothing, less than infinte [19:04:11] Heh, well said Reedy. [19:04:18] RoanKattouw: I'm confused about a couple of things, now my local copy totally doesn't work [19:04:22] Anyway, thanks! [19:05:45] neilk_: Anything you need my help with? [19:05:55] RoanKattouw: I don't know, both my browsers just died [19:06:18] RoanKattouw: and I got the test.wp.o to work once, but then I saw what seemed to be a strange missing string error [19:06:45] OK well [19:06:49] You have until 1pm to make this work :D [19:06:55] instead of "ok" and "cancel" for a dialog I got "1" and "0" [19:07:06] haha [19:07:08] which was amusing, if perhaps we have a "Tron" language or something [19:07:19] what's up [19:07:20] Hmm I think I may know where that comes from [19:07:36] One of the jQuery UI dialog invocations has what seemed to be a wrongly formatted buttons object [19:07:45] But I figured it might be something new and said nothing [19:08:05] it might be something that only works with the newest jquery ui [19:08:09] that would make sense [19:08:14] It probably is [19:08:19] i believe the old way was key->val [19:08:20] Fixing that format shouldn't be hard [19:08:22] Yes [19:08:29] Well, key -> functio [19:08:35] yes [19:08:37] Slightly annoying cause key needs to be i18ned [19:08:54] right, which leads to convolutions [19:10:26] let me fix it then [19:11:47] looks like .mwe-upwiz data is getting overflow-hidden now, which is what's causing the textarea formatting weirdness... [19:12:06] yes -- I knew that when I committed [19:12:24] hard to fix with the way I'm doing description page. We'll do another pass for polish later. [19:18:46] RoanKattouw: http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Code/MediaWiki/86889 [19:18:55] please review & patch in [19:20:11] BTW [19:20:16] I love JUI forever for adding that new format [19:20:21] Reviewed, now merging [19:27:26] neilk_: Done about 5 mins ago, sorry for the delayed notification [19:27:33] RoanKattouw: heh, no worries [19:27:41] so fix is on test now? [19:27:45] Aye [19:28:16] whoa. [19:28:21] my browser froze up again. [19:28:36] perhaps this is not a coincidence [19:28:49] I don't think I added anything that might accidentally loop forever [19:29:28] my browser does seem abnormally slow [19:29:46] restarting my browser to check [19:29:50] Profile it in the Firebug console [19:31:12] Does Firebug come with a profiler by default? [19:31:17] I think that's an add-on? [19:31:54] No, it has one [19:31:56] built-in [19:32:02] A little "Profile" button in the console [19:32:14] got it [19:33:11] I'm sometimes not getting thumbnails [19:33:26] well seems to be working now [19:33:42] twice though I didn't get any thumbnails generated [19:33:44] thumbnails work for me, no problems [19:33:59] probably just a thumbnailing server hiccup [19:34:06] thumbnailing is hit or miss, if it doesn't work the first time it fails. Thinking of replacing that with exponential backoff [19:34:25] the server gives us a URL and we trust that it will work immediately [19:34:43] RoanKattouw: I've never used Firebug profiler, where does the data go? [19:34:58] When you click profile, it stays pressed [19:35:06] yes... [19:35:12] Click it again, it pops back out, and dumps the data as an expandable element in the console [19:35:35] wow, I have nver used this [19:36:46] safari shows me a request for about:blank. Any idea what that's about? [19:37:16] is it near that mwEmbed log message? [19:37:27] I'm assuming that's some overlay on test.wp.o itself [19:38:00] it happens right after we load the upload step [19:39:30] I'm not seeing anything in this profile info that's unusual [19:39:31] oh well, probably not important [19:39:40] well, I've never looked at it before so I don't know what's usual [19:39:41] it doesn't seem to show up in Firefox [19:39:58] although, it's logging 6421 calls to the routine that I have which translates messages [19:40:01] that seems wrong [19:40:13] er, nm [19:40:27] I don't think we do 6421 messages in this app. Maybe a few hundred [19:41:25] Everything's running fine for me since restarting my browser, no slowness [19:41:54] 102 calls to removeMatchingUploads [19:41:57] that's seriously wrong [19:43:08] do you think we need to performance tune before doing this push, or push and then tune? [19:43:22] RoanKattouw, kaldari: this performance issue is troubling me, there's clearly something wrong. [19:44:19] I'm fine with backing out if it seems like a real issue [19:44:21] I think I might have done something which makes it call a number of functions for every tick in a UI fade() or something. [19:44:34] that's the only explanation that makes sense to me [19:44:41] I'm gonna back this out in 10 minutes unless you magically fix it before then [19:45:02] Because I have to go to bed and Arthur isn't around to baby sit [19:45:06] right. [19:45:14] Are you up to trying again tomorrow? [19:46:01] RoanKattouw: ? [19:46:20] Ah, lemme check my schedule [19:46:39] OK but only during lunchtime [19:46:56] i.e. noon-1pm PT [19:47:03] ok [19:47:14] I'll add it to the schedule [19:47:29] I'll see about fixing the formatting bugs in the meantime [19:47:34] thank you Roan. Sorry about this, it did not come up until it went on test.wp.o. [19:47:43] Still not sure what's going on. [19:47:45] neilk_: unless you want me to work on other parts [19:47:51] kaldari: no that sounds fine [19:48:01] No worries, shit happens [19:48:09] let's not add any new features, just fix this one thing [19:48:11] and maybe CSS [19:48:18] sounds good [19:48:37] And as long as developers understand that when shit does happen, it's their fault and I have no particular responsibility to drag the deployment on for hours, it's totally fine [19:48:56] But everyone's been good about that so far [19:49:12] RoanKattouw: it is understood... you should not be a superhero when that breaks down, just stand your ground. [19:49:19] Exactly [19:49:21] Which reminds me... [19:49:23] anyway we are 2 hours into this, let's call it [19:49:32] failure is an option [19:50:37] robla: I'm going to bed now-ish, I can deploy CustomUserSignup on Wednesday afternoon if you want me to but I wanna have instructions (what code to deploy, reviewedness status of that code, any other things required such as schema/config changes, and anything else I should reasonably know) by 9-10am-ish tomorrow (PDT) [19:51:26] RoanKattouw: Nimish can do the deploy...we were looking for possible review *if* we need it, but we're hoping not. [19:51:32] RoanKattouw: we'll know by EOD today [19:51:37] OK [19:52:55] OK, css fix is checked in [20:01:20] robla RoanKattouw it doesn't look like the resource loader changes are necessary for this deployment, and I don't think Trevor or you made any changes that would break current clicktracking [20:01:31] OK [20:54:24] brion_: can you perhaps look at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4715 if you have time? ^^ [20:58:04] janpaul123, not much to look at; changing those fields will be a long, slow, space-and-time-intensive schema change so there's no hurry to do it (possibly ever) [21:12:50] brion_, spoil sport [21:13:26] who me? [21:24:10] <^demon> Who needs more than 255 bytes for comments? Especially in this 140-char-or-less world we live in :) [21:24:36] usually they fill up when a couple things combine [21:24:53] like taking part of a description of a log entry and part of its comment [21:24:58] and smashing those into a revision comment [21:25:08] 80 chars + 255 chars -> x>255 chars [21:25:15] or some such [21:39:49] it's quite easy: e.g. if you have the title of a section, a link to some discussion and some complex reason to explain [22:06:48] ^demon, brion: you guys gonna be on the call in 45 min? [22:07:03] *hexmode crosses his fingers and hopes [22:07:05] ya [22:13:11] <^demon> I can be, dunno how much use I'll be this week [22:20:22] aokay, I like friendly faces ;) [22:20:29] sokay [22:21:50] <^demon> Well lemme get dinner started between now and then :) [22:52:51] triage time [22:53:08] robla: want to help shepherd people in? [22:54:59] <^demon|brb> Yay, I finally got my SIP line working :D [22:55:00] hexmode: sumanah: we're on the call [22:55:08] *Reedy tries to imagine robla with a crook [23:01:43] Hello [23:02:31] srv288 sourceswiki User::addToDatabase 1062 Duplicate entry [23:02:34] That's a new one... [23:02:47] Possibly.. [23:02:54] Have we not got anything for filtering this file? [23:02:57] Reedy: can you gather a report for the past week? [23:03:05] Reedy: probably not [23:03:20] it seems to be on a weekly rotation.. [23:03:30] or, rather, if we do, it's someone's personal perl/sed/awk script [23:03:53] If someone can tell me where the old logs go.. [23:03:58] We can start pulling some stats [23:04:15] the current file starts yesterday [23:04:37] First entry [23:04:43] Mon Apr 25 7:01:11 UTC 2011 srv178 ruwiki Error connecting to Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (4) [23:04:51] So that'd be what, midnight PST? [23:05:10] Alright [23:06:15] There's loads quite evident in the short period...There's gotta be 15-20 block purge expired within the first couple of hours of the log [23:50:40] hexmode: hey, btw, hope I am not riding roughshod on the meetings [23:50:44] (bug triage) [23:51:54] hexmode: also my call dropped a few times so I do not know what the next actions are for 2 bugs or who's doing them [23:52:27] * http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/28076 & http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/28673