[11:28:42] huh, for some reason the WSOAuth copy in /data/project/shared/mediawiki/extensions/WSOAuth/ is rather outdated [11:28:58] I just ran into an exception because it didn’t have https://github.com/WikibaseSolutions/WSOAuth/commit/8a91dff31fe86e7b3ffef35e68907bddc148a5e4 yet [11:30:10] guess I’ll use a git clone instead of a symlink [11:38:45] oh, it looks because that commit is only on GitHub, and not on Gerrit [11:40:17] GitHub and Gerrit both have “Add option to protect against account usurpation” but after that the Gerrit history continues with “Add .gitreview” whereas the next commit on GitHub is “Fixing issue where the user ID will always be null…” [11:40:40] so GitHub has code fixes, Gerrit has l10n updates and libraryupgrader [11:40:43] … [13:53:25] any OAuth admins online who can approve the ID-only consumer https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:OAuthListConsumers/view/d0cad12c9923630bff7eb280aaa87465? :) [15:48:04] !log tools.notwikilambda set $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_DB to hopefully make login sessions more stable [15:48:08] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.notwikilambda/SAL [16:23:01] Hello, I am still new with Toolforge. I am presently trying to deploy my Django-app. I looked principally at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/My_first_Django_OAuth_tool and https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web/Python#Deploying_a_Django_application, but it does not work yet. I have the same convention as there, so [16:23:01] www/python/src/mycode, app.py in src and a file www/python/uwsgi.ini. My venv is activated. I am able to migrate my django app, which means that django is there and that there is no mistake there. However when I type "webservice --backend=kubernetes python3.5 start", I get following error message: File [16:23:02] "/data/project/cycling-init-bot/www/python/src/app.py", line 3, in from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_applicationImportError: No module named 'django' [16:23:30] django is installed, I checked. [16:23:39] are any path to define somewhere? [16:23:57] the venv is in www/python/venv? [16:24:13] non [16:24:17] no, in ~/my_venv apparently [16:24:17] in the root [16:24:25] it’s expected to be in www/python/venv [16:24:27] ok [16:24:36] create a new one there and reinstall the dependencies, then it should work [16:24:43] thank you [16:24:48] (moving ~/my_venv there probably won’t work, last I recall venvs aren’t position-independent) [16:24:52] good luck! [16:25:17] hmmm [16:25:37] strange that this “my first django oauth tool” page doesn’t mention the right venv path… [16:25:51] disclaimer: my experience on toolforge is with flask, not django [16:25:55] but I assume they should work the same way… [16:28:51] it is written [16:28:52] $HOME/www/python/venv [16:29:25] I just oversaw that [17:05:30] Now I get following error: unable to find "application" callable in file /data/project/cycling-init-bot/www/python/src/app.py [17:06:11] app.py is as following: import osfrom django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_applicationos.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'CyclingInitBotSite.settings')application = get_wsgi_application() [17:14:07] ok solved, it must be app not application [19:27:52] lucaswerkmeister: approved [19:27:58] thanks :) [19:35:20] and thanks for opening the WSOAuth task, I thought about doing it but was clearly too lazy :S