[00:09:27] ty DannyS712 [12:59:43] !admin@wikidata hey, can someone delete my account? [13:00:12] Guest79613: which account? [13:00:30] SantaSphinx [13:03:15] Guest79613: deleting accounts isn't possible, but you can always scramble it's password and abandon it. [13:06:01] ok, and changing username? [13:06:45] possible but still it's gonna leave public records [13:07:48] and how to change it? [13:08:54] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameRequest [13:11:07] thanks, it says it's possible to let someone change the name of the user account and then abandon it? [13:13:09] yeah [13:13:41] can you do it? :) [13:14:20] you need to login and make a request first. [13:15:44] Login here to freenode? [13:15:58] login to Wikidata. [13:16:01] Sorry, I never did anything here and have absolutely no clue [13:16:46] I'm logged in there. But where to make the request? [13:17:30] you don't see an option to request at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameRequest ? [13:18:08] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SRUC is alternative if you can't do on above link. [13:25:25] I did it. But it seems like the german and the english version of GlobalRenameRequest ar slightly different. The german page says it is possible to let the user account's name change [13:27:25] thanks for your help [13:28:45] welcome! [23:16:33] if someone wants to delete https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/BellaTube that'dbegreat