[09:54:51] Hi,how can I input other languages when build a item? [09:55:16] Now I just can input english, I still want chinese. [13:59:41] Can I ask a quick SPARQL question? [14:00:46] How do I get the highest number of employees and its point in time in this query: https://w.wiki/mCN [14:14:50] Can I ask a quick SPARQL question? [14:15:06] How do I get the highest number of employees and its point in time: https://w.wiki/mCN [14:22:45] Finnusertop_at_w: getting the highest number of employees is comparatively simple: https://w.wiki/mCb [14:23:35] yes, Lucas, but I also need to get its point in time qualifier [14:23:49] yes, I wasn’t done yet :P [14:23:55] getting the corresponding point in time is a bit trickier https://w.wiki/mCc [14:24:19] that query actually asks for “any point in time that has the same number of employees as the maximum number of employees” [14:24:25] if that’s ambiguous, you might still get more than one result [14:24:32] but it’s the best you can do in SPARQL as far as I’m aware [14:24:47] there’s nothing like MAX(?pointInTime ORDER BY ?employees) [14:25:30] I'll have to test it as part of my actual query, but from this example it looks like it works like a charm [14:26:06] subquaries is virtually the only thing I hadn't tested. Been scratching my head over this for quite a while [14:37:07] yeah, perfect! [14:50:23] \o/