[12:49:19] Hello, I would like to know what are restriction about the Wikidata Sparql query API ? Can I develop a script based on it ? Will my requests still work in one year (be accepted) ? Is there a way to get an API token for my company to avoid those eventual limitations ? [13:04:29] !help [13:05:34] Marc14: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/User_Manual#SPARQL_endpoint [13:05:47] TL;DR respect the `Retry-After` header when you get a 429 Too Many Requests response [13:06:00] but yes it’s stable [13:06:25] (oh, and as always, send a good User-Agent) [13:09:35] Thank you very much for your answer Lucas_WMDE [13:12:14] Lucas_WMDE I am using the https://pypi.org/project/qwikidata/ tool (python), I sadly have no header controls with it. Do you know is that tool do the job for me ? I found it on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/For_programmers [13:14:00] Marc14: maybe that library needs an update, not sure… the query service UI also shows you code examples in various languages, including Python, when you run a quer [13:14:05] *query [13:14:18] (the “ code” button next to the number/time of results and the download/link menues) [13:17:25] Oh thank you ! I didn't see that hidden feature :D Again, thank you very much for your concern Lucas_WMDE [13:24:54] :)