[14:27:05] Hello. I am a new Wikipedia/media/data user. I find it difficult to enter names of sea species (I'm trying to help in that area) since there is no option to enter the scientific name. Wouldn't it be good to just have the scientific name as an option among languages? [16:11:03] I'm giving up, this channel seems low participation [16:12:29] the Telegram channel has more activity these days [16:12:41] I think some folks still watch this channel but might not know how to answer that question [16:12:56] (I dimly remember the topic you bring up having been discussed before but wouldn’t know how to find that discussion) [16:15:03] the /topic has a channel log url if it was here.. [16:18:29] Thanks Lucas and LotR [16:19:13] Yesterday I tried to join the Telegram channel but couldn't get to it, I will try again now [16:19:15] EsMynt: just to make sure – you’re aware of P225? [16:19:33] (I keep forgetting we don’t have a bot here) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P225 [16:37:14] Lucas_WMDE, yes I find these slots useful, but then... it is awkward to see the scientific name as the first option in the majority of languages in the records and then in some of them the popular name as an alias. I am entering media and the form to input its names is a bit difficult, maybe its just me not used to it.