[17:29:38] Testing matterbridge (between chat.wmcloud.org and irc) [17:35:11] Boo [17:37:31] ba [17:40:46] wait [17:48:25] It should work now \o/ [17:48:42] [mattermost] test [17:51:48] [mattermost] The issue was that the channel name in irc needs to start with "#" ugh [18:06:18] [mattermost] ladsgroup updated the channel header from: :wikidata: Wikidata is love <3 https://www.wikidata.org [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/Wikidata) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/wikidata) [Telegram](https://t.me/joinchat/ICn09kj5UaiggCCW7o0q6Q) [IRC](irc://irc.freenode.net/wikidata) [Mailing list](https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikidata) to: :wikidata: Wikidata is love <3 Mirrored to an [18:59:18] [mattermost] Can we bridge this with the Telegram group? [19:27:44] [mattermost] oh interesting, impressive [19:44:10] [mattermost] Ask on the Telegram group first, I suppose [19:54:30] [mattermost] Incidentally @ladsgroup why aren't you in the Telegram group? [20:04:47] [mattermost] There's a fun problem, I have a feeling if we do it, and it mirrors from irc, then everything will get an indefinite echo which I assume would be really fun [20:05:07] [mattermost] > Incidentally @ladsgroup why aren't you in the Telegram group? [20:05:08] [mattermost] I think I am [20:05:17] [mattermost] > Incidentally @ladsgroup why aren't you in the Telegram group? [20:05:17] [mattermost] [20:05:18] [mattermost] I think I am [20:05:21] It won't be an infinite echo [20:05:28] Presumably the bot would be kicked from irc for flooding [20:06:32] [mattermost] Oh good, at least the mattermost database won't go down :D [20:08:52] [mattermost] Oh, rarely see you there so I must have forgotten about that [20:09:15] [mattermost] Yeah, Telegram is not my cup of tea :D