[11:55:28] Q about notability of Items: I have a list of a dozen people who were participants of a medieval war. They do not merit separate entries in other projects, and nothing about them is recorded except their names in their original language and their allegiances. Do they merit entries here in Wikidata? [13:14:18] hi [13:15:16] could you please help me with importing data from Polish wikipedia to wikidata (would be great if it was someone from Poland)? [13:16:44] I need to import teritorial identificators from a list at https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedysta:Stim_pl/miejscowoĊ›ci [14:03:26] Stim: Hi, could you elaborate a bit, please? Have you tried and ran into problems? Or do you look for someone to import that? [23:14:46] I am looking at this example query: https://w.wiki/JaY - is there a way to make the properties like gender and ethnic_group to show the labels instead of just items?