[03:10:51] !admin please mass delete https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ [03:10:51] Please visit https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/WD:AN [12:08:39] Hello * [12:10:04] i'm reviewing a paper about entity alignement (autogenerating same-as link across different KB) - and I have a question about wikidata and dbpedia [12:10:45] is it true, that by constructuction, and entity in wikidata will have the same name of the same entity in dbpedia? [12:10:58] for name I mean the last part of the URI [12:14:34] sorry, I mean the language "Label" of the two entities not the last part of the URI [20:34:06] diegolo: not neccessarily [20:40:44] as far as i understand dbpedia, it extracts data from various wiki projects, and thus should usually also contain the same name for an entity. [20:41:38] but labels can be changed easily.