[11:11:14] Hello sir/ma’am, [11:12:03] I have an issue/query. Why some wikidata profiles appear in google search while some don’t? [11:12:32] what "profiles"? [11:13:46] Rohit Kalia(Q47467686) [11:14:15] If we search on google saying Rohit Kalia wikidata.. the profile doesn’t appears [11:14:48] Where as others do [11:16:10] Anyone could pls help me with this? [11:18:43] I have a small query.. why some wikidata pages don’t appear in google search [11:18:56] for example Rohit Kalia(Q47467686)If we search on google saying Rohit Kalia wikidata.. the profile doesn’t appearsWhere as others do [11:21:24] no idea [11:21:51] There are many such profile which don’t appear on google [11:21:57] why so? Any error [11:22:09] not all pages show in google search (or other search engines) from wikidata, I've noticed it many times [11:22:37] I'd suspect in a lot of cases, the average person doesn't want their Wikidata page, they want their Wikipedia page [11:23:14] And remember, google does ranking (at least partially) based on links [11:23:27] So if there's few links to the Wikidata page... It's not going to appear high in the rankings [11:24:10] But then that affects their google knowledge panel of that doesn’t index on google [11:25:12] Google is almost certainly indexing it [11:25:19] Whether it's being surfaced is a diferent thing [15:25:29] Wikidata items are very poorly linked. We don't link them almost anywhere ourselves. [15:25:56] For instance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohit_Kalia links https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityPage/Q47467686 , not the actual URL you'd like a bot to follow [15:26:40] And robots.txt disallows that URL. https://www.wikidata.org/robots.txt [17:15:06] do you mean the knowledge panel, or in the organic search results?