[22:29:05] anyone here who knows how to set up a new mix-n-match set? Want to do it for http://legacy.tropicos.org/Name/$1 where $1 is ([1-9]\d{0,8}|) [22:46:28] Josve05a: i would start here: https://mix-n-match.toolforge.org/mix-n-match/import.php [22:47:04] or here https://mix-n-match.toolforge.org/mix-n-match/#/scraper/new [22:48:00] yeah...I did but my CPU started to kinda burn and i had to force quit safari... [22:48:20] not sure if I did something wrong [22:48:35] maybe it started scraping :) [22:54:30] yeah well...my computer don't got enough horse power to do that [22:54:59] Creating a scraper is not easy, as the website in question will be parsed and if you somehow mess up the regex... meh [22:55:43] Also the terminology on the create page is not very clear for new people creating their first scraper