[04:52:22] I have a question: there is a bridge that is not in use any more because the river has been moved and it therefore serves no purpose. How do I best indicate this in Wikidata (i have tried this but I am not happy https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15125046#P5817 ) [20:27:57] I’m just popping in here to see if the channel will get more active since Telegram seems to be down ^^ [20:31:10] hahaha [20:31:21] wishful thinking [20:32:08] glad it's not just me who it's not working for though [20:35:30] Tellegram is a bit dumb [20:35:32] to be frank [20:35:40] We should be using gitter [20:35:43] or matrix [22:22:17] why not invent your own custom client. that is the thing to do. [22:29:39] https://xkcd.com/927/ :P