[10:53:17] SothoTalKer_: yeah, I was looking at it. haven't really worked out what it's doing yet :D [11:49:25] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property_talk:P2093#Proposal_to_Allow_instance_of_(P31)_Wikidata_property_for_authority_control_for_people_(Q19595382)_as_qualifiers [11:49:34] plz [16:28:39] hey [16:28:57] can I use mix'n'match to match lexemes or only q items? [17:58:44] can somebody why this works but does not when line 6 is removed? https://paste.gnome.org/pj87yqwtr [17:58:51] what is the purpose of line 6 here? [18:09:48] erentar: `if you remove line 6, you also need to change the end of line 5 from ; to . (the semicolon lets you avoid repeating ?p) [18:10:53] thanks, i didnt know the function of semicolon [18:11:00] but the ps: part is needed to get the statement value, you can't get the value directly using p: [18:11:16] aah that makes sense [18:11:21] thanks a lot! [18:11:26] :) [21:17:14] do people never read the docs? :P [21:40:16] SothoTalKer_: you must be new around here [21:40:49] sometimes [21:48:39] reading... documentation...? never heard of it [22:02:04] lucky are those who cannot read [22:26:16] well, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/User_Manual does not document anything about ps: or the semicolon [22:26:52] and i dont come here knowing sparql, never heard of it before [22:27:14] also, what harm in getting some help? [22:28:15] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format seems to be a better page for things like ps: [22:29:45] the semicolon probably isn't documented anywhere because it's fairly basic syntax and people are usually bad at documenting the things which seem too obvious once you know about them :) [22:29:59] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial [22:30:40] ohh nice [22:31:26] and yes, the "user manual" sucks :P [22:36:57] There is also https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL for a more broad approach, but at the end there are 4 pages regarding specific wikidata things :) [22:37:52] +advanced [22:39:13] it's basically a longer version of the tutorial, heh