[01:24:55] Hey! I've downloaded some entities from Wikidata e.g. Q42, Q231237.rdf and Q236854.rdf. Only Q42.rdf can be parsed without errors, all others give me: rdf:nodeID value is not a valid NCName [01:25:10] file:///home/pi/NLP/Q231237.rdf:2844:2: rdf:nodeID value is not a valid NCName: 7d4ad714a3e4fc094b07412227e5079e [01:26:25] Stackoverflow recommended talking to the data provider [01:28:03] Oh, I'm using python3-rdflib 4.2.2-2 and Python 3.7.3 [01:44:15] same with raptor: rapper -c Q23.rdf / rapper: Parsing URI file:///home/pi/NLP/Q23.rdf with parser rdfxml / rapper: Error - URI file:///home/pi/NLP/Q23.rdf:5672 - Illegal rdf:nodeID value '6aad7017843afb03b069981cb0e0e5a7' [02:11:51] PROBLEM - WDQS high update lag on wdqs1003 is CRITICAL: 5192 ge 3600 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [02:29:55] PROBLEM - WDQS high update lag on wdqs2004 is CRITICAL: 6886 ge 3600 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [04:01:03] RECOVERY - WDQS high update lag on wdqs1003 is OK: (C)3600 ge (W)1200 ge 1157 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [04:48:45] RECOVERY - WDQS high update lag on wdqs2004 is OK: (C)3600 ge (W)1200 ge 1086 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [13:23:45] WiseWoman: can I get some expert advice about adding health care facilities to WD? [16:19:43] Hi CarlFK [16:19:51] Sorry, I was grading an exam. [16:20:16] I'm just a beginner at WD, but sure, ask away! [16:20:31] Do you want to be categorizing health care facilities? [16:21:56] CarlFK, some are already there: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1706476 [16:22:14] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16917 [16:26:11] WiseWoman: in 2 days I will have 3000 face shields for health care workers. I am part of a few groups distributing them ... [16:26:35] I remember you saying that [16:26:43] a few days ago, I was at a near by clinic and they had heard of them, but didn't know how to get them [16:27:09] which shows we are not doing good at coverage or some such term [16:27:19] Oh, I know that many retirement homes would love them. [16:27:29] Some older folks can't hear, but they can lip-read [16:27:38] They need shields [16:27:44] oh wow.. right.. that. [16:29:10] And they have NO idea where to get them. [16:29:14] so far I have found these 15 .. um.. rows : https://github.com/CarlFK/wdaa/blob/master/tags.csv [16:29:39] A friend is a Spanish teacher, she managed to get one, so her students can see her mouth move [16:30:01] that is a whole new twist [16:31:17] I would call a local deaf group and ask if they need any [16:32:00] I'm trying to crowd source that problem [16:32:53] I do have someone that will call. she is responsible for distributing 18,000 so far. she rocks. [16:32:57] I just had a look at all the subclasses of Hospital (Q16917) [16:33:01] Gah. 140 results [16:33:18] oy. query? [16:33:37] https://w.wiki/Qjv [16:34:10] What a mess [16:34:25] current hospital ? [16:34:26] Most of these are OBJECTS, not CLASSES [16:34:40] I asked for ?item wdt:P279 wd:Q16917 [16:34:49] Item is a subclass of hospital [16:35:03] lunatic asylum ?! (pretty sure asylum is all that is needed there) [16:35:23] Depends - it is a historic term [16:35:58] Then you need that Thing is a hospital or is something that is a subclass of hospital, and is located near (lat, long) [16:36:45] Oh my, WHAT a mess [16:36:54] This would make a nice exercise for my students. [16:37:00] LOL [16:37:11] Here's a subclass of hospital "class or category of hospital in Aomori Prefecture" [16:37:29] Because the Japanese Wikipedia has a LIST of hospitals in each Prefecture [16:37:40] I want to add more items, and not make the mess bigger [16:38:09] They have the classification geographically, not logically. [16:38:13] :) [16:38:26] I would tend to define an item for a hospital [16:38:51] Then attach a (lat, long) to it, and put it in some country/city/whatever [16:39:08] Then I would categorize it: what type of hospital is it [16:39:26] Does it have library identifers? [16:39:41] what is a library identifer? [16:39:59] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q162684 has them, for example [16:40:15] VIAF ID; ISNI, Library of France number, GND ID, .... [16:40:27] Libraries have identifiers for things, have been doing this for centuries [16:40:49] But every library (system) has their own, so if an item has some, they need to be recorded [16:40:56] Then you can link to other databases. [16:42:24] The Charité entry looks good, except most of the German stuff isn't properly translated [16:42:43] So you can also link people to a hospital who are famous enough to have a Wikidata entry [16:45:36] Dinner bell's ringing, that's actually a fun topic. I might change what I make my students do as a project to have them sort this out. [16:45:37] https://hifld-geoplatform.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/hospitals/data?where=CITY%20%3D%20%27chicago%27 [16:45:39] 41 hits [16:46:03] I'd like to shovel that into WD - without making a mess. [16:46:06] more on this later [16:46:15] http://www.geonames.org/ [16:46:37] might help, too. I put in "hospital Chicago" and got 257 records, with latitude and longitude [16:46:55] I have 4 or 5 more sets, plus I plan on setting up a "add a building" website for the local helpers to submit missing thigs [16:47:14] I dont think there are 257 "hospitals" here. [16:47:45] this is where you come in.. what is and isn't a hospital anyway? :p [16:48:05] enjoy dinner. more on this when you have time [16:50:21] Includes historical hospitals :) [16:52:02] and suburbs. [16:52:05] What do you teach? [17:19:59] PROBLEM - WDQS high update lag on wdqs2005 is CRITICAL: 6784 ge 3600 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [17:23:05] PROBLEM - WDQS high update lag on wdqs1008 is CRITICAL: 6928 ge 3600 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [18:43:43] CarlFK: Oh, I teach all sorts of IT and programming topics, among them Semantic Modeling. Which really fits Wikidata ;) [18:46:47] neat. [18:48:08] I found some cool problems, like Women's hospital and Maternity hospital co-existing [18:48:18] And how they now tend to belong to large hospitals. [18:48:33] In the States most hospitals belong to the big four medical companies. [18:48:53] Yeah, I have seen some of that too. that's why address and lat,lon seem like a good way to avoid dupes. [18:49:14] Well, many hospitals have multiple locations. [18:49:36] now we are back to "what is a hospital" :p [18:49:40] Like the Charité, all over town, And took over a number of hospitals in the former West Berlin. [18:50:05] I'll mull on that for a few days, but that might be more fun that what we've been doing in the past years [18:51:02] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_University_degrees [18:51:11] for my problem, I need 1 item for each .. social group? like the people that work together and talk to each other. [18:51:35] Modeling people is hard, because groups like that are so flexible [18:51:41] People come and go [18:51:47] well, it kinda maps to locations [18:52:24] management of a large multi location hospital is a bit disconnected from the needs of the workers when it comes to donated things [18:53:06] if it is a supply that can be ordered from a distributor with a item number, easy. [18:53:29] we need a few dozen of these home made things... gives them heartburn [18:53:49] That's a whole other can of worms. [18:54:06] There are ancient systems such as EDI for modelling B2B transactions [18:54:38] we are doing the exact opposite of EDI [18:55:14] I have to get a thesis read tonight, I'll be afk for a while [18:55:28] see ya [18:56:16] Have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Hospitals [18:56:38] neat. thank you [19:56:53] RECOVERY - WDQS high update lag on wdqs2005 is OK: (C)3600 ge (W)1200 ge 881.6 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [19:57:57] RECOVERY - WDQS high update lag on wdqs1008 is OK: (C)3600 ge (W)1200 ge 1000 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_query_service/Runbook%23Update_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen