[00:45:18] how and why in the world is \d+ a property constraint... [00:45:44] "oh you can input any digits from 0 to whatever length" [00:49:02] Probably so you can't put letters in :P [00:50:31] usually identifiers have either a fixed length or a specific range from 1 to like 6 or 7 :P [01:05:13] I don't like \d anyway because we really mean [0-9] [01:05:27] they're equivalent for some regex implementations but not all [01:12:55] nikki: create a query that checks each property constraint to see if it uses \d and then change them :D [01:14:24] hehe [01:14:27] wouldn't be a bad idea [01:14:54] I always worry people will yell at me though, since \d is shorter [01:15:03] * nikki worries about everything though [01:16:07] oh no, it's 3 chars longers [01:16:38] people have complained about smaller things in the past [01:16:52] like I've seen people complain about urls ending a slash :P [01:17:44] understandable, but then they should just fix it :) [01:18:16] if [0-9] is more exact, then it should be preferred :) [01:19:10] P227 has this a constraint: 1[012]?\d{7}[0-9X]|[47]\d{6}-\d|[1-9]\d{0,7}-[0-9X]|3\d{7}[0-9X] [01:19:10] El búfer 47 está vacío. [01:19:24] haha silly bot [01:21:46] oh god, the time =O [01:25:41] haha yeah [01:25:56] I'll probably be up another couple of hours, I fell asleep earlier [01:34:59] lucky you :) [01:35:52] heh, not sure I'd describe it that way [01:55:50] sleeping whenever you want, what else could someone want [01:58:18] I'll abstain from answering that :P [02:03:40] Aww ok :) [02:04:31] 6 hours of sleep left. meh. 9 would be better '-' [02:04:48] go to bed already :P [02:04:58] and if you're already in bed, go to sleep :P [09:04:08] uh please let me edit https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ZAe6DBtC/image.png [09:04:27] this db lag is so annoying [12:58:50] Hi, is anyone else getting "description errors" in the FMA browser? (http://fma.si.washington.edu/browser/) … Is there a status/dev page for FMA? Thanks [13:03:18] I do get an alert saying description error [13:03:31] I don't know anything about this fma thing though [13:05:58] Ok, it's not a browser issue then.. Thank you! [19:41:34] FMA = Full Metal Alchemist [19:42:43] and never put cream cheese next to the fan outlet of your notebook [19:44:17] that doesn't sound good, no :D [19:44:42] warm it is.