[00:38:52] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urgent_care_center [00:38:55] It's not on Wikidata... [00:39:04] Oh it is [00:39:04] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7900484 [00:51:27] thank you! [00:52:48] how should such things be capitalized? [00:54:35] care to do another? Nursing homes: journal http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q27712331 [01:05:08] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q837142 [01:05:48] hmm. now to figure out why my query didn't find that one [01:25:06] ah. the s in homes. [07:42:49] SothoTalKer: some examples on P1693 would be nice [11:29:27] CustosLimen oh i meant P1695 :P [12:28:27] is there an easy way to make plantuml diagrams on wikidata pages? [16:02:51] Hi all! [16:04:27] How do I forulate a sparql query that list entities (limited by some set of claims) that has been changed since a given timestamp? [16:05:24] schema:dateModified ?date_modified ? [16:10:43] https://w.wiki/PSh [16:10:55] So that gives me the date. How do I get a timestamp? [16:18:11] kalle: https://w.wiki/PSm [16:18:18] is that what you mean? [16:26:31] Lucas_WMDE: I'm afraid not. That's still just a date, I need time resolution. What yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss it was last updated. [16:27:48] so, https://w.wiki/PSs? [16:27:58] the full timestamp is in the data, the UI just doesn’t show it by default [16:28:03] hover with the mouse over the date to see it [16:28:33] https://w.wiki/PSt if you want to see it more easily [16:28:34] Aww! Thanks a bunch! [16:29:33] This is for the WLE 2020 protected areas map we're setting up. To pickup what items have new images uploaded. https://wle2020.kodapan.se/ [16:29:51] Oh, you're in DE. So zoom in on Sweden. [16:29:53] :) [16:45:55] hi [16:46:06] I'm thinking, an arbitrary identifier field like short name may be nice [17:01:50] 🤔 [17:01:56] Maybe, maybe not [17:12:28] CustosLimen: people usually use catalog code for that [17:13:16] nikki: I'm thinking of something like https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/123000_123099/123002/15.00.00_60/ts_123002v150000p.pdf# [17:13:43] For this, it would be "TS 123 002" assigned by ETSI [17:13:58] and "TS 23.002" assigned by 3GPP [17:16:27] 🤔 [17:16:38] I could use catalog code with catalog being ETSI/3GPP [17:16:54] yeah, something like that is what I meant [17:17:28] I see [17:17:34] I will talk about it on project chat [17:17:40] Seems like a good idea to me