[05:34:01] ** Warning: if there is any bot in #wikidata which should be exempted from Sigyn, contact staffers before it gets caught ** [08:32:28] I am having trouble gripping sparql - like this "intro" query https://w.wiki/PJE [08:33:33] countryLabel - im guessing that is connected to SERVICE wikibase:label [08:34:25] where is a good intro to read? [08:36:57] yes, the service line creates the ?countryLabel variable [08:37:43] I can't suggest any intros though, there probably are some but I don't know where and whether they're any good :/ [08:45:03] how about recommending a python lib? [10:22:02] CarlFK: did you try the user manual? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/User_Manual [10:25:42] SothoTalKer: no - thanks [10:28:49] CarlFK: there is also https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial - if you are a beginner and want to learn the basics, this might be a bit better. manuals are often quite dry :) [10:30:36] bingo - that looks like what I need [10:32:04] the manual at least explains the extensions, like the label service, in more detail ^^ [10:34:45] whoopsie... urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests [10:35:01] I've been doing about 1 a minute. x 10ish. [10:38:25] CarlFK bad you. if you want a python lib, there is qwikidata for example: https://github.com/kensho-technologies/qwikidata/ [10:40:52] any idea how that compares to https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper [10:43:19] qwikidata is made specifically for interacting with wikidata. the sparqlwrapper is a generic python implementation to use with anything that does accept such queries. [10:49:13] ah, I was thinking it was kinda thin [11:18:15] heh, well. its not magic (: [14:43:11] Could an Admin have a look at this IP? Seems like serial vandalism related to cause of death, kinda weird https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ [14:43:27] From Telegram [15:38:33] i hate IPs [16:28:44] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16917 hospital - health care facility (for organizations use medical organization [16:29:04] given "hospital" how do I find that ? [16:29:21] er, what sparql query [16:38:32] depends on what exactly you want to find… [16:38:40] all items with exactly that label: https://w.wiki/PLg [16:38:46] single best search result: https://w.wiki/PLh [16:40:56] Lucas_WMDE: 2nd one. thanks. [17:14:56] Toba: I found a gem: "For every variable ?foo in your query, you now also have a variable ?fooLabel, which contains the label of the item behind ?foo." https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial#Our_first_query [17:15:44] Toba: you don't need to understand this today. but when and if your brain asks the question, hopefully you remember this answer. [17:15:56] today you need to watch cats. [17:22:04] (d['descriptions']['en']['value'] => 'health care facility (for organizations use medical organization ... [17:22:28] how do I get that in this: https://w.wiki/PM8 [17:23:17] add ?itemDescription to the select line [17:23:38] (the service line also creates variables for the descriptions) [17:25:57] * CarlFK jaw drops [17:37:52] I see it here: https://w.wiki/PMD [17:37:58] but not in my python code: [17:39:20] I don't know what your python code is doing, so I'm not sure why you wouldn't be seeing it there [17:39:30] https://dpaste.org/Nwbf [17:39:52] the usa is waking up, WD is becoming slow again [17:40:40] hmm... I wonder if [AUTO_LANGUAGE] is somehow being weird because it's being called from a script [17:40:59] what happens if you change "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]" to "en,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]"? [17:41:39] nikki: bingo. thank you!!! [17:42:28] :) [17:43:20] your mark will be dropped by a few points, as the Label service is described in detail in the manual :P [17:46:42] now tell me, what am I doing wrong? (: https://w.wiki/PML [17:51:19] this query worked a year before, and now it just errors out [17:56:29] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.StackOverflowError [17:56:30] Nice [17:56:54] Seems to be https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T235540 [17:57:11] i just guess the query interface is not designed to work on huge datasets :) [17:57:19] https://github.com/CarlFK/wdaa/blob/master/wd.py made these results: https://dpaste.org/jqzH which I will post to a list and hope some helpful person figures out a better list of facility types [17:58:06] thank all of you again for herding me along in a useful direction :D [17:59:44] :) [18:00:08] Reedy <3 [18:00:44] did you get it to work? [18:00:52] (changing the inner variable worked for me) [18:01:15] yep [18:06:21] now i am happy again [18:07:53] good :D [18:10:22] well, except for the slow query service. [18:11:04] i mean that label fetch thingy [21:28:28] can I earmark donations to wikidata? [21:28:33] I don't want it spent on some crap [21:43:15] No, not really [21:43:38] unless you're funding a grant [22:01:48] finally done cleaning up P1693 [23:37:18] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q68727819 Urgent care: scientific article published on 01 July 1986 [23:37:39] What do you call the walk in doctor office? [23:39:01] Depends where you are in the world [23:39:54] This is not a hospital.  It has no hospital beds or ER or ICU or any of those hospital things. What is it? [23:39:54] https://midwestexpressclinic.com/locations/mount-greenwood-chicago-il/ [23:40:33] 3258 W 111th St. Chicago, IL [23:48:23] Urgent Care Centre? [23:59:13] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=Urgent+Care+Centre&search=Urgent+Care+Centre&title=Special:Search&go=Go&ns0=1&ns120=1 [23:59:28] 24 hits - none are it [23:59:33] I tink.