[06:47:20] Any admins available? [10:04:39] why is quickstatements so slow, only adding descriptions 1 edit / minute. [16:20:19] hmm, i cannot edit anymore, but i'm not blocked either [16:22:21] what happens? [16:25:46] It does not show the "edit" links, nor does it load the activated addons for me on this page https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5062389 [16:26:02] other items seem to work fine [16:26:08] I just tried it, I can edit the page [16:26:53] cache purge didnt work either, browser restart aswell. [16:28:17] browser console errors? [16:28:44] none [16:29:14] There are a lot of suggestions for improving the page and a constraint error on the page (NLA Trove ID) [16:29:21] Wonder if they are interfering? [16:29:29] does the same happen on other pages? [16:29:36] only this one [16:29:53] i edited the page yesterday, after that it went uneditable for me [16:30:02] huh [16:30:58] what if you try changing the ui language? [16:31:41] uhh, that worked [16:32:42] crazy [16:32:53] That's like kicking the tires of a car [16:33:36] well each language gets its own cached version and it breaking after editing sounded to me like something weird happened with a cache somewhere [16:33:48] Good to know [16:34:09] not sure *what* though :) [16:34:35] And I imagine it is impossible to find out in that mess of code :) [16:34:48] the important part is that the page works for me again, as a user (: [16:35:36] Well, I'm doing a semantic modeling course again this semester, I have to know the tricks to tell my students when they get stuck on exercises. That's a new one for me. [23:00:41] I think I'm not able to properly word queries :/ [23:01:58] why does "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q849866 }" not return Q241 ?