[10:19:06] hi [11:24:48] Change on 12www.mediawiki.org a page Extension:Wikibase Client was modified, changed by Shirayuki link https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?diff=3654242 edit summary: [-1] fix [11:30:32] Change on 12www.mediawiki.org a page Extension:Wikibase Client was modified, changed by Shirayuki link https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?diff=3654243 edit summary: [+745] update hooks [12:12:39] Hi there. Does anyone know if it is possible to do a SPARQL query to get items without any claim? [12:16:12] NVm, I think I found my answer already. Apparently you can do ?item wikibase:statements ?number [17:43:41] i did nothing wrong [17:43:45] i did nothing wrong [17:43:49] I want to come back [17:44:02] I want to come back [17:44:30] Vermont accused me of harrasing editors. That's false. Vermont and revi has been harrassing me. They should apologize not me. [17:44:39] I want to be unlocked. [17:44:51] Revi encouraged Alaa to globally lock my account [17:45:56] I did nothing to be globally locked. I did not abused the IRC despite what revi thinks. I did nothing to be globally locked again. I was just asking FOR A GLOBAL IP BLOCK TO BE CHANGED TO ANONYMOUS ONLY. THATS WHAT I WAS DOING. But revi thinks I abused the irc and encouraged Alaa to globally lock me. Sincerely LaurenCox600 [17:46:12] I want to be unlocked today. [17:46:53] If I become a administrator on the Simple English Wikipedia, I will block all the people who harassed me since 2016. That includes revi and TheNorth. [17:46:55] I want to come bakc [17:46:59] i want to come back [17:47:57] i'm begging someone to be my ally and go request a global unlock for my account [17:47:59] LaurenCox600 [17:48:55] I WANT TO COME BACK [17:48:58] I WANT TO COME BACK [17:49:03] I WANT MY ACCOUNT UNLOCKED [17:49:10] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLASE PLEASE PLEASE UNLOCK IT [17:49:13] WHY IS NOONE HELPING ME [17:49:19] IM BEING SMEARED BY REVI [17:49:44] WHY IS NOONE STOPPING REVI [17:49:48] WHY IS NOONE UNLOCKING MY ACCOUNT [17:49:50] WHY [17:50:54] HELLO SWANT HELLO STRYN HELLO XOVER HELLO WISEWOMAN HELLO ALEXZ HELLO BRPEVER HELLO BD808 HELLO ANYONE WHY IS NOONE HELPING ME WHY CANT SOMEONE GO UNLOCK MY ACCOUNT I WANT MY ACCOUNT UNLOCKED I WANT TO COME BACK I DID NOTHING WRONG I DID NOTHING WRONG REVI IS SMEARING ME REVI IS A LIAR [17:50:57] I WANT TO COME BACK [18:14:03] hi [18:14:15] i wanted to create a mix'n'match scraper [18:14:22] but i don't see a save button [18:14:47] how can I start to *create* the catalog? [18:36:41] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/b3bc687e398e1afb3ac93b45257f5503/Screenshot_2020-02-09%20Mix'n'match.png [18:37:10] did I do something wrong? [22:34:49] So scraping wiktionary to populate wikidata lexemes would be illegal? [22:34:55] or copyright violation? [22:35:11] All the data in wiktionary should just have been CC0 :( [22:43:21] it's more complex than that [22:43:36] but simple scraping is likely to be a bad idea. [23:13:19] so I want to populate more norwegian words [23:13:37] I have a couple of options, use dictionaries, or use wiktionary, or ... hands [23:13:50] presumably some things like inflections cannot be copyrighted