[18:30:38] is there a url to dump the raw content of a wikidata Q item? I mean exactly what is stored as the revision content in the mediawiki external store. Primarily it's because i want to show another developer what the underlying structure looks like [20:10:35] ebernhardson: AFAIK no. Unless you grabbed a DB dump... But https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/DataModel/JSON [20:10:45] And more specifically, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/DataModel/JSON#Example [20:11:30] A dump option from the API or something could be useful though [20:14:00] Reedy: that will work too! thanks. A dump would help show the complexities in a real-world entity, but the description and examples in doc's are reasonable [20:15:00] ebernhardson: You can do Special:Export too [20:15:05] And end up with json wrapped in XML... [20:15:38] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Export/Q1 [20:17:30] ahh, cool [20:20:08] Hmm [20:20:14] And of course, the usual API methods for page content do work too [20:20:15] https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Q1&rvslots=*&rvprop=content