[16:56:18] hello, which OS or jdk version wikidata ops use to run blazegraph? [16:57:17] I was trying to benchmark my database against blazegraph. I run the jar on ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) but it fails with an exception left there withouc as of what is wrong. [17:11:50] nevermind, I managed to run it using ubuntu 16.04 with the default-jre. [17:45:00] via lxd [17:46:52] zig: We use Debian Stretch with OpenJDK 8, I believe. [18:04:21] tx [18:06:05] (4 times faster on a single query) [18:06:23] by the way, did you have a standard benchmark? [18:06:31] s/did/do/ [18:17:56] zig: Sorry, I don't know.