[02:24:21] hello ! [02:25:24] I'm in trouble… I don't know if I can create a new Property (Pxxx) For an Infobox in Wikipedia [02:26:00] Show https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod%C3%A8le:Infobox_Syst%C3%A8me_d%27exploitation and https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q56582922 [07:05:56] Troupal: which field of the infobox do you want to propose as a new property? [07:06:20] (Wikidata property proposals are here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal) [11:17:12] hello everyone [11:17:17] I have a quick question [11:17:35] how do I create an organization page for a local business/company in Wikidata? [11:17:55] !admin [11:17:55] Please visit https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/WD:AN [11:19:21] Tavi: don’t [11:19:31] Wikidata and Wikimedia projects are not for advertising/promotion [11:20:39] Vermont -I don`t want to promote anything I just want to have a business page so that the business can be seen as an entity that`s all [11:21:02] I don’t think you know what promotion means. [11:21:15] You don’t want to promote it but you want to promote it to people? [11:21:50] rather than promoting I want Google to understand it as an entity and based my my research this is how you do it [11:22:11] not looking to advertise services/products/whatever -just a general business name and social media links [11:22:55] based on several articles that I`ve read online anyone can get a page for their business (generic one like I just mentioned) [11:23:47] Oh so you want SEO. [11:23:52] That’s just a form of promotion. [11:24:01] Use another website, not Wikimedia projects, please. [11:24:11] what SEo? I don`t know what you are talking about [11:24:45] here`s an example [11:24:47] Apple [11:24:48] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q312 [11:25:11] I don`t think having this page is SEo or promotion of a business [11:26:18] this is just a generic company page [11:27:17] I gaved Apple since it`s a well-known company but if you search on Wikidata there are tons of other companies which have pages -so for them it`s not considered promotion but If I want to create a page for a business then suddenly it is promotion??? [11:32:21] so Vermont? [11:32:44] give me a few minutes [11:47:12] ok