[02:58:32] Hola [11:06:51] is there some way to do A UNION (A JOIN B) UNION (A JOIN B JOIN C) ... nicely in SPARQL? [11:07:09] best solution I've come up with so far is to used named subqueries [15:03:01] https://gitlab.com/muishkin/mwnci---deep-spreadsheets/wikis/Mwnci-0.01-Beta-Testing [20:10:35] I hope it's dumb question... [20:11:04] How to query all values for selected property, ignoring ranks? [20:15:29] use p/ps [20:16:26] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL/WIKIDATA_Qualifiers,_References_and_Ranks#Ranks [20:21:12] SothoTalKer: looks like you saved me. Thanks! [20:21:49] yw. that's one of the first struggles anyone has :)