[07:02:44] <[1997kB]> anybody know the correct invitation link for telegram group? The one on main page isnt working. https://t.me/joinchat/AZriqUj5Uag92TB4U9eBdQ [15:59:23] Hello! Question about P3373 (sibling): When adding a sibling I also add a qualifier, but type of kinship (P1039) [16:00:34] see: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16200149 [18:32:56] kiwi_71: the qualifier is unneeded [19:19:48] Yes. I realize it is NOT REQUIRED, but it provides additional info. [19:22:32] oops...So my question is: is "sister" the proper data qualify with "type of kinship (P1039)" or rather is kinship the right qualifier for sibling (P3373)