[09:21:31] * maxlath[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RRCEEOBelYxMxgpmTTpDpYyx > [09:41:41] Hello everyone, I'm trying to replicate the wikidata database but I'm getting a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException error when doing loadRestAPI.sh. I've tried giving more memory with -Xmx but it gives timeout anyways for some of the ttls. Is there a way I can increase the timeout? [09:47:08] i have published a new page [09:47:12] pharmasynth [09:47:31] just want to know if it is approved by wikipedia editors or not [09:50:35] i have published a new page [09:50:50] pharmasynth [09:51:00] just want to know if it is approved by wikipedia editors or not [09:51:04] askags, wrong channel [09:51:14] where should i go? [09:51:21] see #wikipedia-en-help [09:51:27] great [09:51:28] thanks [11:20:55] docencia [17:08:33] Hello everyone, I'm trying to replicate the wikidata database but I'm getting a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException error when doing loadRestAPI.sh. I've tried giving more memory with -Xmx but it still gives the same error. Is there a way I can increase the timeout? [17:08:45] If this is not the place for this kind of question where should I ask? [17:08:52] Thanks