[08:08:58] Is there a good way to look for all items with a label in language X (X being Estonian, in this case) but otherwise empty and with no sitelinks? [08:09:23] I think I know how to do the other parts, but I'm not sure how to query for "has an Estonian label whatever its content" [08:10:23] (I know how to search for a *specific* string, but not sure how to generalize it) [10:13:25] reosarevok: you could try to ask the question here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query [11:30:18] reosarevok: ?item rdfs:label ?label filter (lang(?label) = "et") will find things with an estonian label, but it's usually quite slow - you probably want to tell it to find empty items first [11:33:21] http://tinyurl.com/y5zv852c like that [11:35:29] <3 nikki [11:35:38] You coming to WikidataCon in the end? [11:35:57] no, it clashes with something else [11:36:42] they managed to pick the *one* weekend I can't do this year >_< [11:39:10] looks like there's only 52 items in total for that query (when run without a limit) [13:39:32] nikki: damn :( [13:53:26] hello [13:54:05] I'm google search then find your blog that I saw a good article on the blog. (https://www.w3newspapers.com/bangladesh/) I am writing a very good article than w3newspapers blog. Please, you can do be published my article on your blog. (https://www.newspaperslink.com/bangladesh-newspapers/) [14:01:24] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 60 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @amir1 & @subbu - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [14:51:08] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 10 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @amir1 & @subbu - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [15:20:00] does anyone know what’s the best way to go from an entity ID to a full URL? [15:20:20] I’m pretty sure I’ve been asked that by someone else in the past, but I don’t remember what my answer was >.< [15:20:30] and now I need it myself ^^ [15:21:46] wikidata.org/entity/entityidhere? [15:21:50] not sure what you mean otherwise [15:22:27] ideally it would be a link directly to the HTML page, without redirects [15:22:41] Special:EntityPage/entityidhere is also close [15:23:00] wbgetentities won’t give me the URL directly :/ [15:24:08] surely the only way to get a page without a redirect would be to manually construct the right url for each entity type? [15:25:03] well I need to support non-Wikidata installs, so the namespaces might vary [15:25:21] can't think of any other ways anyway, I've never really cared enough about not having redirects :/ [15:25:26] okay, thanks anyways [15:25:34] I’ll go with Special:EntityPage for now, better than nothing [15:26:11] I do *prefer* not having redirects, but I'm also extremely lazy which mostly wins out whenever I do anything :P