[06:27:19] RECOVERY - Check systemd state on wdqs1005 is OK: OK - running: The system is fully operational [10:26:27] Ceceppriana [10:26:37] Ceceppriana [14:35:09] I am working on a software that does guess the topic of an article based on the content https://github.com/amirouche/sensimark#detecting-category-and-sub-category [14:35:30] It is based on wikipedia vital articles level 3 [14:35:49] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Vital_articles [14:36:13] I would like to extend the experiment to vital articles level 5 with almost 50K articles [14:36:48] but scraping the hierarchy is rather boring, and I guess maintaining the hierarchy in wikipedia is too [14:37:34] it is really structured data in the form of a tree where each article should be in a subcategory and the subcategory in top level category [14:37:47] s/each article/an article/ [14:38:18] I am wondering whether wikidata can help this effort (and help people like me) scrape this data [14:38:21] ? [14:45:03] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Vital_articles#Wikidata_integration_to_help [22:19:53] ping regarding my earlier request? [22:21:15] amz3: I don't think you will get a simple answer to that question here [22:21:46] where should I raise the matter then? [22:24:56] In short: wikidata is designed to have that data but I don't think it does currently. [22:27:27] You may have more luck in the wikidata telegram group, but in the end creating a centralized discussion in wikidata is probably the best option [22:28:30] amz3: mind I see no problem with it being raised here, just seems like a complex question that may not get enough attention here [22:29:51] The technical advice IRC meeting could have more eyes as well https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [22:31:57] what about the mailling list? wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org? [23:00:56] Nwo and [23:01:22] For. Life