[09:25:00] Not sure if Afrikaans has different rules... https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Rooiratel&offset=&limit=500&target=Rooiratel [10:53:36] sjoerddebruin: I don't speak afrikaans but based on what I know, it looks wrong to me, and searching afwiki for some of the words finds them written normally (except in proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences obviously) [10:54:00] will talk to them then [10:54:19] like https://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Ramberg_(geoloog) has "geoloog" as the disambiguation, not "Geoloog" and says "was 'n Noorweegs-Sweedse geoloog" too [10:54:26] But in Dutch or English, mmmm [10:54:46] or both? :P [10:54:54] I'm a busy man! [10:55:19] hehe [10:55:51] they contribute to enwiki it seems, so english should be fine [10:56:02] And for transparancy [10:57:11] yeah, and I imagine using dutch might make it seem like you think afrikaans is just dutch with a few weird spellings [10:59:40] isn't it? ;) [11:01:34] it probably seems that way a lot of the time [11:16:42] * LotR is evil and like triggering people like that :) [11:16:58] tsk :P [11:17:51] (and I'm dutch and yes, dutch is a weird mix of german, french (and, increasingly, english) ) [11:19:18] I'm always fascinated by the many similarities between languages (of course I only know european ones, which are all one family) [11:19:25] yeah, I can read a surprising amount of dutch because I know enough about the way spelling works to see either related english or german words [11:19:44] but I can't understand it spoken at all [11:20:56] Spijtig. ;) [11:21:19] I did have to look that up :P [11:21:47] ij is one of the sounds that trip up foreigners the most. together with ui [11:22:06] "sch" :D [11:22:37] well, all the g sounds [11:23:20] I had lots of fun trying to pronounce place names while driving through the netherlands with a (different) dutch friend [11:23:21] but I'm from brabant, so I boggle at the way most dutch people pronounce g sounds too :) [11:23:25] I don't think I was very successful [11:23:57] ij is like ei in German, right? [11:23:58] nikki: you were probably successfully funny ;) [11:24:13] that's good at least :D [11:24:13] there's too much a in german ei [11:25:04] more like german ä followed by i? [11:27:35] no, it's one sound and yes, "ei" is the closest to it you get in german [11:30:33] I meant as one sound (as a diphthong) but couldn't think of any words which actually have ä followed by i [11:31:45] I don’t think that exists in German [11:31:55] except when it’s two different syllables – europäisch, hebräisch, etc. [11:32:00] I just grepped a wordlist and found those two, yeah [11:32:07] heh, säme [11:32:15] uh, I meant to type same, but säme works surprisingly well ^^ [11:32:20] :D [11:32:34] Again very busy with work, I see... [11:32:41] shush [11:34:05] I wonder if "ey" would work [11:34:38] my german is too rusty to have an opinion on that [11:34:55] I should really learn the phonetic alphabet [11:35:22] nikki: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User_talk:Rooiratel#Capital letters [11:35:47] (by which I mean the word "ey"... all the other words which contain "ey" that I know are pronounced differently >_<) [11:36:17] hm [11:38:50] replacing „ei“ with „ey“ makes words sound northern german to me [11:38:54] which feels plausible [11:39:54] there's no audio on https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/ey but https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/ey has one... and that sounds closer to what https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Nl-Nijmegen.ogg has than a normal "ei" to me [11:45:23] sjoerddebruin: I would expect english to capitalise the first letter in places like that too... it seems like something where the template should capitalise the first letter, rather than changing all the labels, because what happens when someone wants to use those labels in a place that isn't the beginning of a line? [11:45:37] yeah [11:45:45] (e.g. reasonator, although it probably doesn't have an afrikaans translation yet) [11:57:13] nikki: another update https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Rooiratel&curid=60483276&diff=840679213&oldid=840655332&diffmode=source [11:57:20] "sometime in the future" worries me [12:01:19] at least that means they won't continue changing them :) [12:01:37] and it doesn't look like there's that many to fix [14:55:27] Still a lot to do... https://www.wikidata.org/api/rest_v1/page/graph/png/User%3ASjoerddebruin/0/734baac4c899a80fc967659dcace1db19981f28a.png [16:06:46] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 0 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @Thiemo_WMDE & @nuria - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [16:49:47] confernce call starts in 10 minutes.. todays topic is CommonSense and AI http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2019_01_23