[12:33:42] Does anyone know why all of the edits of this batch fail? https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/#/batch/6550 [12:39:07] does it still need quotes around strings? [12:39:22] I don't know much about that version [12:39:57] Not sure, I've used them for the CSV version and they are removed (they're considered field delimiters) and the edits still fail [12:41:24] Woo, that was the problem, it works with quotes in the V1 :D [12:41:40] Thanks, nikki :) [12:41:49] :D [13:51:02] Hi, anyone around? WDQ mixes results with date 1919-01-01 and with date just the year 1919, and I need to get just the first ones... [13:56:20] Hi, jem :) [13:56:32] Hi, abian :) [13:56:51] Something like ... ?item p:P570/psv:P570 ?wdv . ?wdv wikibase:timePrecision "11"^^xsd:integer . ?wdv wikibase:timeValue ?value . ... should work [13:57:12] "11"^^xsd:integer is for a precision of days [13:57:55] "10" for months, "9" for years, etc. [13:58:26] Let's try [13:59:13] Actually you can just use "?wdv wikibase:timePrecision 11" instead of "?wdv wikibase:timePrecision "11"^^xsd:integer" [14:24:49] [Working on it in Telegram] [17:54:09] Is it (already) possible to install wikibase-client on a third-party wiki and use wikidata as repo?