[04:17:42] hello [08:25:49] is anyone around? [09:40:09] I wonder if it's a bit misleading to display coordinates as a single point [09:45:25] because if a source says 1° 2' 3" they probably don't mean exactly 3" but that it rounds in some way to 3"... and I've seen people previously say that the coordinates are wrong (rather than right, but imprecise) because of that [09:49:15] I don't actually know of any maps which pay any attention to the distinction between 1° and 1° 0' 0.000000" but most maps don't have to worry about people changing referenced statements so that they no longer match the reference :P [12:15:38] Grrr… Duplicates on GeoNames lead to duplicate articles on cebwiki lead to duplicate items which can't be merged grrr [12:41:42] yeah :/ [12:43:32] hoo: if you give me a link I can have a look [12:48:37] hoo: there are many duplicates on cebwiki. Links? :) [12:56:59] there are also a lot of not-quite-duplicates that people think are duplicates :( [12:58:28] I noticed a couple of days ago that someone deleted a geonames item which they thought was a duplicate when it wasn't [12:59:02] and then yesterday geonames started redirecting some ids which were deleted because they were duplicates and now that id redirects to a different place >_< [16:15:07] Bencemac: nikki: Many cities in Germany: eg. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q31931477 or https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q31944710 [16:15:25] I checked a bunch of German cities and *all* had such duplicates on Wikidata [16:20:18] Any admins about? [16:20:21] hoo: cebwiki and geonames are just pushing us to fix our data, as most Wikipedia's combine cities and municipalities in one article while they differ [16:21:34] sjoerddebruin: In some cases, I guess… but these are proper duplicates AFAICT [16:22:18] mostly a sign that there is no or a wrong geonames ID on the existing item [16:22:18] afaik the bot checks for that [16:22:49] yeah, I think there's some issues with the geonames data for germany [16:23:28] some of it comes from gns (the p.ppl entries), some of it comes from destatis (the a.adm3 entries) [16:23:49] Apparently geonames doesn't support https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q22865 [16:23:56] but I've noticed that things which are *only* municipalities are p.ppl in gns [16:24:18] I'm going for food now tho [16:32:40] TJWood: hm? [17:43:50] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ [17:43:58] Any admins around? [17:44:52] !admin [17:44:52] Please visit https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/WD:AN [17:59:09] BRPever: locked on Meta, created pages were nuked