[00:34:00] SMalyshev: o/ are there any docs for how to tune memory consumption of wdqs anywhere? :) [00:34:10] / Of blazegraph [02:49:52] Hi, I'm trying to merge two entries and I keep getting an error message. [02:51:44] "A conflict detected on enwiki" is what I keep getting [02:52:45] hello? [02:53:57] test [02:55:58] hello? [02:56:20] ugh I thought maybe I was blocked cause I wasn't registered before but that didn't solve anything :/ [10:45:19] addshore: I'm around now :) [10:45:35] But I don't see what's wrong with your screenshot :/ [10:51:41] addshore: If it's the overlap, it can be fixed by adding z-index: 0 to the .toolbar [11:14:25] is there a way to force a lot of pages to update their categories? [11:15:35] this wikidata tracking category I'm looking at has pages saying a property doesn't exist in wikidata, when the property was added four months ago :/ [11:15:53] which category? [11:16:04] https://ceb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategoriya:Country_not_in_Wikidata [11:16:30] a null edit works, but I can't manually do that for the entire category to find out which ones are left :P [11:16:56] use action=purge from the API sandbox? [11:17:02] supports a list of titles, or even a generator [11:18:01] if that's the same as manually purging, that doesn't work, it has to be a null edit [11:18:07] oh, okay :( [11:18:23] Pywikibot has a touch.py which does it, I think [11:18:26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/touch.py [11:19:02] I can try to run it [11:19:34] that would be good :D [11:21:27] OMG, 695,255 pages... [11:23:18] It will take an awfully long time to run [11:25:08] This task will be finished in ~57 days if nothing fails :D [11:25:11] abian: not really, unless you do it from a machine with extremely high latency [11:25:28] From the Toolforge :/ [11:25:51] That seems a decent rate. You don't want to go too fast and be slapped by sysadmins :P [11:27:08] In 2019 the task will be finished :D [11:27:22] I can wait that long :P [11:27:50] it doesn't look like it's going to update of its own accord anyway [11:28:40] At least it seems to be working :) [11:29:09] :D [12:51:37] I wonder if we could include the language code in the summary for edits to monolingual text statements [12:52:44] ideally in a way that makes it possible to add a span around the text with the language code as an attribute [14:39:40] the search for entities when adding statements keeping being weird for me today [14:39:50] earlier it couldn't find peru, just now it couldn't find mexico... [14:41:28] it seems to be randomly case-sensitive and badly ordered (if I try "Mexico" it actually finds a bunch of places, but not the country) [14:41:35] and then in another tab, it works fine :/ [14:44:38] gaaah and now there's suddenly a tiny map instead of a link for the coordinates [14:45:05] but not in the other tab... [15:00:57] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 60 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @Thiemo_WMDE & @chiborg - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [15:05:35] nikki: the tiny map is a new feature that was deployed today [15:05:46] should be visible on all pages/tabs once they’re edited or purged [15:05:52] announcement coming soon™ [15:05:58] ah :/ [15:08:07] :/ [15:11:33] erhm is it possible to have a link isntead of map as a setting in options? [15:12:11] or even more better_ in addition [15:37:19] nikki: CatQuest Hey, I apologize for the mess around the map. It's likely that we will rollback soon because it causes some bugs. I take your suggestion of keeping the link or having the possibility to change the setting. [15:38:39] Auregann_WMDE: hey cool! [15:38:54] (sorry this is catquest on a diff machine :D) [15:40:45] but yea. options are always awesome, and with new features its important that old functionality doesn't disappear :) (because there is always someone using it) (insert the nkxd comic) [15:42:12] KassOtsimine: you're absolutely right :) [15:42:13] xkcd [15:43:58] :) [15:44:43] KassOtsimine: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q18615128 :) [15:45:17] jup :D [15:45:37] also love that wikidata has items for individual xkcd strips :D [15:50:47] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 10 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @Thiemo_WMDE & @chiborg - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [16:03:46] The map thing is now removed, sorry again [16:07:00] Lucas_WMDE: thanks for the search ticket :) [17:12:04] nikki: search should be fixed now :) [17:16:27] phew [17:21:36] I find it amusing that you mention an A-B test... I was literally wondering if I was in an A-B test where I got both A *and* B [17:22:53] why both? [17:23:01] it was sometimes happening, sometimes not [17:23:06] with no pattern [17:23:28] hm, okay [17:23:38] I could never reproduce it, and Lydia seemed to be able to reproduce it reliably [17:23:50] so I assumed it was sorting users into groups persistently, not randomly picking for each request [17:23:56] but if you sometimes got the bug and sometimes not… [17:24:12] yeah for me all searches were broken [17:24:22] maybe i'm just unlucky ;-) [17:24:55] I think I would have preferred that, I also considered the possibility that I was going crazy :P [17:27:25] lol [17:27:27] nah [17:28:34] nikki: were you always using the same system and browser? perhaps it’s tied to IP address or something [17:30:59] same computer, two browsers, worked in some tabs, didn't work in others in both, but seemed to be reliably broken for each tab. I don't think I tried refreshing, so maybe it was linked to page loads [17:31:09] reliably broken or not broken, I mean [17:32:34] hm, Lydia had to force-reload the page before the fix worked [17:32:47] though I don’t quite understand why, since this *should* be a server-side setting [17:33:18] I don't remember if it happened for the same item in multiple tabs either, I was too busy being confused and freaked out [17:33:34] well, the important thing is it’s fixed now, I hope :D [17:36:57] it seems to be [17:37:07] not that you hung around to find out... [17:55:07] Auregann_WMDE: don't apologise that hard! it's not that bad :D [18:19:31] "cat loves goat" xD [20:01:04] Folks, you might be interested in supporting one or more proposals on https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2019/Wikidata... [20:01:58] Remember that the Survey ends on Friday