[00:51:51] for me on wikidata "add value" button now asks for property instead of adding new value to existing property [00:52:03] is this intended? I don't remember it working this way before [01:03:28] if you purge the page it should fix it [01:04:13] I don't know what the issue is/was though [01:07:51] nikki: yeah thanks purge helps [07:45:05] addshore: Would you object to putting the channel on `+r` for a while until the current spam wave dies down a bit? [07:49:16] * Freso WP:BB's it [09:37:04] anyone know how to find out what qualifiers a statement has in pywikibot? [10:26:48] are there directions somewhere on how to import just the property dump (i.e. https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/latest/wikidatawiki-latest-wb_property_info.sql.gz ) into a vagrant instance of wikidata? [10:28:19] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Vagrant#How_to_import_a_Wikidata_dump seems to be only for importing xml / entities? [10:35:44] mwscript sql.php maybe. [11:00:20] well it ran but that is apparently not the right script :). [11:04:16] I would help but I don't know either :( [11:11:43] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Installation/Advanced_configuration#importProperties.php but that script doesn't appear to exist T_T [11:15:49] lucaswerkmeister: can you help at all? [11:20:12] apparently importProperties.php was removed two years ago [11:20:22] perhaps you can use http://github.com/filbertkm/WikibaseImport instead [11:20:41] but that doesn’t use dumps [11:45:58] We've been fixing the issue about "add value" button asking for property instead of adding new value. If you still see this appear, please let us know (ticket:T205330) [11:45:59] T205330: Adding a value to a statement prompts for a property - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T205330 [11:53:11] Auregann_WMDE: do we need to purge pages first? [11:53:16] or has that been done for us? [11:53:57] nikki: no, if everything works correctly, you don't need to purge [11:54:04] ok [12:33:48] unless your anon :) [12:34:01] but that will fix itself in 6 days [14:49:25] Amir1: WikibaseLexeme question when you have a minute to reply in Phabricator, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T197267#4606974 [14:53:55] awight: I will, thanks for the ping [14:54:32] Thanks, take your time! I just wanted to flag it cos it's not a place we usually interact :-) [14:54:47] There's a rough patch in gerrit too, just to show what I'm trying to do. [21:43:02] I used to be able to enter lemma-language in the url to prefill the form but now it doesn't work any more :( [21:43:08] and it seems like the field name is the same [21:43:21] on special:newlexeme, I mean [21:46:06] e.g. https://test.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:NewLexeme?lexeme-language=Q377&lemma-language=en&lexicalcategory=Q1979 [21:48:03] the other two fields still work, it's just lemma-language that gets ignored now [21:50:16] meh... that's really put me off wanting to create any new ones, it was already annoying enough