[11:16:23] wikidata [11:19:01] kiwirkc.com [21:11:55] What do you think about a syncing between this and Wikidata's telegram channel? [21:16:17] I think https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge is a pretty good tool to do it if you think that's a good idea ;) [21:29:44] There's also TeleIRC [21:29:54] (I know it quite well) [21:30:08] If you agree, I will create the integration in no time [21:53:58] the benefit of matterbridge is it handle a bunch of im and will probably handle new im that will be used when telegram will be long dead (and irc will still be there) [21:54:13] https://xkcd.com/1782/ [21:54:48] I'm not anyone that can agree on putting it a bridge there though, ask the ops or something [21:55:30] (ok, we can try with teleIRC and then switch, or someone else can implement matterbridge :D) [21:56:24] (This channel is pubblic logged, now the question is this channel want to know what happens on telegram?) [22:46:56] i guess it should be the other way around: do the people on telegram want their messages publicized? [22:48:04] any of the query masters around? (: [22:48:36] is there any way to make this faster? http://tinyurl.com/yaeoq7v3 [22:54:52] I don't know a way to make it work with sparql, but you can combine sparql and petscan for a very slow but working result: http://petscan.wmflabs.org/?psid=5267273 [22:55:15] (probably way faster now that the embedded sparql query is cached :P) [22:56:33] the query service doesn't seem to be particularly fast at working out the subset of two large sets in general... had that problem a bunch of times lately :/