[00:37:43] Change on 12www.mediawiki.org a page Extension:Wikibase Client was modified, changed by Samwilson link https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?diff=2819439 edit summary: [-4] un-code the and [01:29:08] PROBLEM - High lag on wdqs1003 is CRITICAL: 3635 ge 3600 https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [02:16:58] RECOVERY - High lag on wdqs1003 is OK: (C)3600 ge (W)1200 ge 1197 https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/wikidata-query-service?orgId=1&panelId=8&fullscreen [09:42:23] Hey! I am putting up a wikibase using the docker image. I wanted to get Entities in the main namespace. Everything is working fine except de query UI/sparql endpoint. They don't seem to have the entities. I have change the docker-compose to point the right namespace ID but I might have forgotten a script or a step. Anyone have any clue about this kind of issue? [10:14:34] Can a wikidata dev give me a sanity check on something? Would it be feasible to write a gadget that uses sparql to query data in wikibase and then use that information to insert items? Or would it be too slow/better to use an interface message with some JSON in it, if it's something that isn't expected to change from query to query (i.e. you'd expect to get the same single result each time, so querying wikidata isn't strictly necessary [10:14:34] .) [10:21:55] I think the constraints system uses queries... [10:27:04] sjoerddebruin: thanks, that is very helpful, I will look and see how they're doing it :) [10:28:04] I don't see Lucas around here, but I suggest talking with him. :) [10:29:54] mvolz: it depends on the query, and if it runs always, or only when the user presses a button, whether it's just one query or many... [10:30:21] generally speaking, havign the user press a button, then run a query, then do something, should be fine by the system [10:30:37] depending on the query, it may be annoyingly slow to the user. expectation management is key [10:40:50] DanielK_WMDE: so I'm thinking about how we want to insert items as references, and I was contemplating putting in the entire ontology for which citoid properties are equivalent to the wikidata ones. So the queries would occur every time an item was being created as reference, and probably maybe 10 queries for something like SELECT equivalent wikidata property WHERE instance of citoid property AND name equals "bookTitle". [10:40:56] There are some things we absolutely have to do queries for though, like the item which corresponds to the journal, for instance, or even author names, so theoretically that could get really bogged down adding those as well... [10:41:27] And so the list of properties could just go into an interface message to cut down on that. [10:42:43] But if all the queries are done in parlellel, these ones are all quite short. [10:42:53] Lookup by name is always a bit problematic with wikidata. But talk to Lucas, he's the expert. [10:42:56] shorter than probably the longer ones we'd be waiting for anyway? [10:42:59] Ok :). [10:43:14] but the mapping between citoied and wikidata sounds like it should be rather small, and cacheable [10:43:20] Yes [10:43:36] generating that froim a sparql query is sensible, but re-running that query over and over... less so. [10:43:56] otoh, we do have varnish caching for queries, that may be enough [10:44:10] I still recommed caching that on the client. [10:44:21] people who add one reference are likely to add more soon [10:46:48] Yes, certainly. Ok, I will check with Lucas but that helps a lot. Probably wouldn't actually use name either, but title, which should be easier. [11:13:05] mvolz: citoid integration with wikidata? Oh hell yeeeeessss please, it'd be fantastic :) [11:15:02] if you need to search for an item by name, restricting by type (and/or particular properties), maybe the OpenRefine reconciliation API can help [11:25:48] Just an idle question: How long does it take for my edits to show up in a query? [11:26:17] I've been adding some English names for German items, but they remain as Q-values in the answers to my queries. [11:26:54] pintoch: probably not for what I was talking about earlier, but seems like it might be useful for getting the right author or publication item? I'm not looking forward to solving that nicely... [11:39:31] I'm looking for an infobox that uses data from Wikidata and has a reference based in the reference in Wikidata [11:39:42] Anyone got any useful link? [12:18:43] WiseWoman: it should take a few seconds for the RDF store to be updated, but the entire results of your query are probably cached - just add some whitespace to your query somewhere, or rename a variable, and run the query again [12:19:10] Cool idea with white space, I'll give that a try. [12:30:25] Lydia_WMDE: I seem to recall that https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Azienda did it but I'm not sure [12:30:49] mvolz: yeah, I was thinking about the journal for instance [12:31:02] if you just have a string and a type: https://tools.wmflabs.org/openrefine-wikidata/en/api?query={"query":"LNCS","type":"Q1002697"} [12:33:39] if you also have an identifier (such as ISSN): https://tools.wmflabs.org/openrefine-wikidata/en/api?query={"query":"LNCS","type":"Q1002697","properties":[{"pid":"P213","v":"0302-9743"}]} [13:55:47] Nemo_bis: thanks