[00:02:05] you might think that adding “instance of: human” to your query about authors would remove “anonymous” from the results, but you’d be wrong -.- [06:30:11] Would someone be willing to teach me how to edit wikidata? [09:12:37] is there a property for x,y,z coordinates? [09:13:27] faqr: xyz coordinates on what plane? Could you share some details? [09:13:41] just in general, as a model [09:13:43] for something [09:14:35] faqr: Couldn't find anything in this search - https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=coordinates&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns120=1&searchToken=euym4ie4h7dykgipekrnadswq [09:15:18] faqr: It would be hard to justify adding a general property, if you have a use case in mind it might be helpful for (1) finding alternative properties, and (2) proposing a new one [09:23:16] it could be three separate properties [09:24:01] faqr: Which Wikidata object do you need this for? [09:24:19] none, yet… I'm just thinking about it [09:24:35] * prtksxna nods [13:42:50] did I use that correctly? [13:42:51] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q261335&type=revision&diff=637874258&oldid=637873228 [16:35:51] Hello all [16:39:41] can someone help making this query work by grouping the occupation of a person? http://tinyurl.com/yd5tlhw2 [17:34:51] I have another simple question: Who can tell me how to express "logical or" in a query? For example I'd like to get a list of items who were born in London or Berlin. [17:36:12] I think it is simple for wikidatans :) [17:37:50] union [17:38:12] use sparql 'union' [17:46:47] you can also use "values", e.g. values ?place { wd:Q64 wd:Q84 } ?item wdt:P19 ?place [18:11:05] yes, works! Thank you amz3 and nikki [18:59:22] good evening. Who can tell me how can one specifies the default view of a query when saving a link, so that the run starts automatically as desired? [19:06:32] or is there extra permission needed for that? [19:33:44] is there a master list anywhere of supported languages that (exclusively) use Latin script? [19:44:02] geust_24, in case you read the logs – add a comment like #defaultView:LineChart to the query (the editor should offer some suggestions once you type the “#”) [19:45:02] PinkAmpersand: hm, how about the list in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/48 ? [19:45:15] (not sure how complete it is) [19:46:37] @WikidataFacts: Pretty sure that lists ones that *aren't* Latin [19:46:43] Smart idea though [19:46:57] I'm just going through the list of WMF lang codes and picking them by hand [19:47:29] oops, try this one then :) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/33 [19:48:50] Hmm. Sadly seems to not have all of the Latin languages listed at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Wikimedia_language_codes/lists/all [20:04:14] PinkAmpersand: how about this? http://tinyurl.com/ydda8l4z [20:30:06] WikidataFacts: That might work!