[10:08:27] Hi [10:08:50] Can I find help here for writing queries? [10:10:41] faqr, sure [10:10:45] faqr, what do you need? [10:11:26] if it's very complicated https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query is the best place to go, but if it's not I or someone else here should be able to help :) [10:11:52] Jhs: I want to write a population graph that shows the population of a town and its districts, I already have the districts but not the town itself: https://query.wikidata.org/#%23defaultView%3AAreaChart%0A%0ASELECT%20%28str%28YEAR%28%3FpointInTime%29%29%20AS%20%3FJahr%29%20%3FEinwohnerzahl%20%3FOrtsteilLabel%20%3FOrtsteil%20%20%20%0AWHERE%20%20%0A%7B%0A%20%20%3FOrtsteil%20wdt%3AP131%20wd%3AQ587094.%20%0A%20%20%3FOrtsteil%20p%3AP1082%20%3Fpopula [10:11:52] 3FpopulationStatement%20ps%3AP1082%20%3FEinwohnerzahl.%20%0A%20%20%3FpopulationStatement%20pq%3AP585%20%3FpointInTime.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22%5BAUTO_LANGUAGE%5D%2Cen%22.%20%7D%0A%7D%0A%0A [10:12:04] sorry [10:12:05] http://tinyurl.com/yd5kh9hm [10:12:29] the town would be Q587094 [10:13:08] I think I have to use UNION [10:13:18] but I have no idea how to pick a single entity [10:15:51] For a single entities you can use VALUES. Example: http://tinyurl.com/y83uz9el [10:18:34] Ainali: http://tinyurl.com/ydaqv6rm [10:18:55] I think this is what I intended :D [10:19:17] thank you [10:21:14] You're welcome. Nice graph btw! [10:22:21] I'm not happy with the presentation, but at least the query seems correct [10:22:52] Can I influence the order of layers? [10:25:34] Unfortunatly, I don't know. [12:18:11] does anyone know where I can ask for help with Javascript on-wiki? [12:36:06] Jhs: feel free to ask in the channel [15:33:06] Technical Advice IRC meeting starting in 30 minutes in channel #wikimedia-tech, hosts: @addshore & @CFisch_WMDE - all questions welcome, more infos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting [18:34:00] hi WiseWoman :) [18:34:12] Hi Harmonia_Amanda! [18:34:39] How's it going? [18:35:45] hmm [18:36:16] well Deniss Vasiljevs is third after the short program for the figure skating Europeans Championships [18:36:20] so that's great [18:36:34] but I didn't ask for the missing properties to be created [18:36:43] so I can't add his score on Wikidata [18:36:48] that's less great :p [18:41:24] hihi [18:41:31] Sorry, ich gucke gerade Handball [18:41:36] Ist sooooooooooooo spannend [18:42:13] I don't have German on my Babel but if I did it would be de-0 [18:42:20] I don't understand ^^' [18:42:26] Sorry :) [18:42:44] I'm watching handball European championships on TV [18:42:50] :) [18:42:51] Germany is tied with Macedonia [18:42:56] It is soooooooooo exciting [18:43:05] I don't even remember what language I'm writing :) [18:43:42] The last game of the Germans was a heart-stopper [18:44:02] You're right, I should check the Wikidata properties for Handball [18:44:19] The sport is unknown in the US, so there might be the odd property missing :) [18:45:22] well, before I started working on it, the figure skating World Championships only had one property [18:45:28] Freebase identifier [18:45:57] that wasn't the most useful [18:46:59] Oh, good, there's plenty of items! [18:48:27] While the specialist is in the house…. [18:48:35] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28877455 only has the person's name in French [18:48:45] Can I just copy this to English and as the label? [18:49:13] done [18:50:26] Oh, i wold have done that, I just wanted to be sure that that's okay [18:50:34] wold -> would [18:50:56] WiseWoman: he was Austrian, so his name would be written the same in a bunch of Latin-script languages [18:51:14] (but not all, not Hungarian, Latvian, etc.) [18:51:47] I was just reading about him, strange that there are no WP pages [18:51:53] Looks like a job to do :) [18:56:59] * Harmonia_Amanda is fangirling watching *again* Deniss Vasiljevs's program [18:57:53] :) [18:59:04] three years ago he was so badly injured I'm not sure anyone would have bet on him going top ten again [18:59:13] and today, he is third :p [18:59:28] okay, there is still the free program, not sure he will medal [18:59:32] but still [18:59:43] hi, can anyone here guide me in loading the list of wikidata entities into a Solr DB? [18:59:57] Wondering what the schema for the DB would be? [19:00:14] since I don't even understand the question, I'll assume I'm not the right person to answer [19:00:18] sorry AdityaAS [19:02:34] AdityaAS, do you want to load *all* items, or just a subset? [19:02:52] (his triple axel ♥♥♥) [19:03:10] (and why on earth would you want to do that?) [19:03:41] Wikidata ist a big, glorified triple-store [19:03:44] can I ask what is a "Solr" database? [19:04:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Solr [19:04:26] It's a database that is specialized for searching [19:04:29] Ideally, I would want to load all the entities. I'd like to do that to use an annotator like SolrTextTagger to detect mentions in a text that occur in Wikidata [19:04:36] WiseWoman [19:05:10] Oh, but the disambiguations will make your life difficult [19:05:29] I did load a subset of entities (1000) before but that was schema less. I read somewhere that having a schema would be better [19:05:38] And Wikidata doesn't really have "text", but concepts: items and properties [19:05:54] WiseWoman: would it allow for searching different things than the API and/or SPARQL ? [19:05:57] WiseWoman: Exactly! I hope to solve the disambiguation problem in non Wiki KBs [19:06:22] Yep, I know. I have the extracted the list of all named entities from Wikidata [19:06:34] Harmonia_Amanda: It could, there is a kind of search (Elastic Search) that you can layer on top of Solr [19:06:49] Harmonia_Amand : While you're at it, checkout Apache Lucene [19:07:00] WiseWoman: isn't elasticsearch used in our own search button? [19:07:13] I believe it is, but I don't know [19:07:21] You'd have to ask the tech team [19:07:23] I'm practically sure it is [19:12:17] So, I fixed two handball items, they both had the same label. One was the women's league and one the men's. [19:12:36] I'm not surprised [19:12:41] I still find it stupid that the men's is the norm [19:12:57] it's totally absurd :) [19:13:34] +11 [19:14:02] So, my heartbeat is back to normal (Germany only tied, but that was better than losing) [19:21:37] WiseWoman: Try field hockey :P [19:35:56] multichill: That's half the fun in handball, so many goal, and often so dramatic endings :) [19:36:10] sjoerddebruin: Time to pick up the nationality problem? See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User_talk:Multichill#Flemish_painters [19:36:33] WiseWoman: No, on the Dutch Wikipedia years ago I think we cleaned that up [19:36:48] Articles for men's and women's teams [19:38:47] Didn't do the clubs yet, so no way to query https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amsterdamsche_Hockey_%26_Bandy_Club#Honours from Wikidata :-( [19:52:43] multichill, that is great! And the way it should be. Just do Sport (Women's) and Sport (Men's) to make them on equal footing. [19:53:02] multichill: there is a discussion in the project chat as well about Welsh people.