[06:46:39] How can I get all the country names and their regions for the all the languages listed in the label service? I got to this point: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/TyD20BltKqJUoSVaveqX8Q , but I don't know how to reference the language code to SELECT it and how to show name in each column as a separate column [06:47:28] s/each column/each language [06:48:19] Can I only query for a language at a time? [07:59:10] i.e. Can I show a label in a particular language? instead of the first one the label service found a result for? [07:59:44] or I need that many label services as the languages I want to show a label in? [08:45:20] SMalyshev: indeed, I also know how the build process works ;) [09:22:54] SMalyshev: here’s how to unravel the wikidata version deployment mystery, to the extent of my understanding: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Lucas_Werkmeister_(WMDE)/Wikidata_Version [09:23:06] (warning, the page hasn’t yet been proofread by anybody, so it might be completely wrong) [11:33:53] Thiemo_WMDE, leszek_wmde: the patch that just got merged, , exposes a pretty nasty bug, see my comments there. Needs a follow up or at least a ticket. [11:34:01] Want to have a look, or shall I? [11:34:15] DanielK_WMDE_: working on it right now. [11:34:29] Thiemo_WMDE: thanks! [11:34:57] oops. I swear I was looking on this actual line in SpecialEntityData early in the morning. Why didn't I comment on this? [11:38:36] leszek_wmde: my mistake I guess, I let myself be mislead by the method's name. [11:38:50] This isn't suprt urgent, but we should make sure that we don't forget [11:54:07] DanielK_WMDE_ Thiemo_WMDE: I believe what Thiemo just said there might have been the reason I didn't complain on the patch. Those confusing names, I have to look the classes up every single time [12:25:14] Yesterday I sent an email to the wikidata mailing list, which is being kept for review for approval, because it was larger then the set threshold [12:25:29] Do I get a message if the mail is rejected? [12:27:21] Lydia_WMDE: ^ [12:27:50] andrawaag: i approved it iirc [12:31:40] Lydia_WMDE: I should have looked at the archives first. Thanks! [12:33:24] np ;) [14:51:21] nikki: if you need inspiration for adding more P971's: occupation categories :D [15:25:26] Hi guys, We are trying to connect our own copy of wikipedia to wikidata with no use. any ideas how to do that? [15:27:41] Tarawneh: I think you need to install Wikibase and only use the client part. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Installation [15:30:47] sjoerddebruin: yes, our tech guys did that. Didn't work! We are not sure what is the problem. [15:31:34] Have you done this? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Installation/Advanced_configuration#Configuration_2 [15:33:50] sjoerddebruin: not sure. I will check with the techs and get back to you. [15:34:22] I am sure the wikibase client part was done [15:34:43] Yeah, but I wonder if it is pointing to our instance yet. [15:39:20] sjoerddebruin: Do you know any one here that can do the installation for us. we are building a copy for students to do some real wiki training without being harassed by the admins and other wikipedians [15:39:49] Some of the developers can help, but not sure if they are here at the end of the workday. [15:40:52] sjoerddebruin: example http://ar.wikimedialevant.org/index.php?title=%D8%A3%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%86_%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%B2_%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%84%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86 [16:07:26] Lydia_WMDE: (or anyone) - is Marius (hoo) on vacation? Didn't see him around here for some time. [16:12:46] SMalyshev: super busy with university it seems [16:14:57] Lydia_WMDE: ah, I see. I have a patch https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/358783/ that needs his sign-off and haven't heard anything since Jun 18 [16:16:28] SMalyshev: i can add a comment saying if you don't hear anything in the next 2 days go ahead if that helps you [16:16:40] Lydia_WMDE: sure, thanks :) [16:16:56] np [18:16:09] SMalyshev: does the query service have a way to do https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strlang? [18:16:37] nikki: should be working, doesn't it work for you? [18:17:27] I see strlang implemented, so it should work... in fact, every sparql 1.1. function should work afaik [18:18:18] hm [18:19:31] ah, I guess it just doesn't like how I used it then [18:20:17] if I use it in bind() instead, it stops complaining about the function... but my query just timed out instead >_< [18:20:44] I was trying to do https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query#Search_for_cheese_.28enwiki.29 by adding ?sitelink schema:name strlang(?title, "en") [18:24:00] nikki: I don't think you can use functions directly in triple patterns. try using BIND or FILTER [18:26:33] yeah, like I said in the line above :) [18:27:12] is there a reason why the search option doesn't have items as a possible output like the generator option does? [18:33:16] nikki: because I haven't figured out how to make search produce items by then [18:33:44] nikki: if you know how to make it suggestions/patches are welcome. [18:34:23] you can use xpath but standard search response does not have items. So you need some options to add it, but I'm not sure non-generators allow to add pageprops... [20:18:41] Does anyone know if there is a way to access the most recent revision id for each Wikidata page? I did a Quarry query grouping by rev_page in the wikidatawiki_p.revision table but it takes too long to run (gets killed), so I’m hoping this data is already stored someplace. [20:30:29] I am trying to understand some weird behaviour on the WDQS. I wrote an email to the mailinglist, but did not get a respons yet, so I hope I can ask it here. [20:30:47] The following query: http://tinyurl.com/y8hcx5e7 gets results [20:31:03] this one times out: http://tinyurl.com/y7xz9vyt [20:31:26] both are identical except for duplicate SELECT statements on line 7 and 10 [20:37:16] hall1467, may not be what you need, but there is schema:version you can use in sparql [20:38:14] WikidataFacts: do you read the wikidata mailing list? andrawaag was just asking about a query they posted about [20:38:21] hall1467, this query returns the latest ID for the page Q27869958: http://tinyurl.com/y77j9zkf [20:38:45] nikki: yes, I was hoping SMalyshev would respond to that [20:38:58] my best response is basically “the optimizer is weird” [20:39:14] yeah, that's what I was thinking too [20:39:16] which is still better than no response, so I might send it tomorrow if nothing else happens [20:41:31] Jhs: Thanks for the pointer. I'll take a look at using sparql [20:44:12] hall1467, cool. also, if you want to know what SPARQL "sees" in an item, you can run this query (just substitute the Qnumber of course): https://query.wikidata.org/#SELECT%20%3Fa%20%3Fb%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20wd%3AQ12623075%20%3Fa%20%3Fb%20.%0A%20%20%7D [20:54:11] @WikidataFacts: thanks At least it is quite consistently weird though. The SELECT * WHERE { SELECT * WHERE patterns seems to solve quite some timeouts. [20:56:50] Jhs: Awesome. Thanks a lot. Is there an easy way to specify all pages (item pages, property pages, etc...) in the "where" clause using sparql? [20:58:03] hall1467, not sure, but the other folks in here might be able to help with that [20:58:58] @Jhs DESCRIBE queries can do the trick as well: https://query.wikidata.org/#DESCRIBE%20wd%3AQ12623075%0A%20%20 [20:59:31] andrawaag, ooh, that's even easier. sweet [21:00:48] ooh, DESCRIBE shows links in both directions? nice [21:04:07] @Jhs for the sake of completeness I should also mention: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q12623075.ttl [21:05:59] andrawaag: I replied to your email, now we wait for the moderators to approve it… [21:06:41] These damn moderators. :P [21:07:14] @wikidataFacts. suspenselly waiting for the approval process. [21:07:21] Well everything better than those empty mails or the ones with '"pls unsubscribe me" to everyone. [21:08:03] I suppose I could’ve included you in the reply, so you’d see the email before everyone else ;) [21:08:10] but then you’d get it twice, I think [21:08:46] @wikidatafacts which would be appropriate given the topic of the mail ;) ie. Duplicate select statements [21:08:52] :D [22:18:13] andrawaag: look like the email went through now :) [22:22:45] @WikidataFacts I just read it. thanks! I need to get used to these named subqueries. [22:23:38] they seem rather handy. [22:25:23] yeah, the only problem with them is that they’re a nonstandard SPARQL extension [22:25:35] so they’re not supported by e. g. SPARQL.js, which query.wikidata.org uses for the query helper…