[11:16:10] RECOVERY - puppet last run on wdqs2003 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 19 seconds ago with 0 failures [19:47:54] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KKzsJyfz/ [19:48:00] what's this JSON about [19:52:13] https://www.sitepoint.com/off-page-seo-beyond-link-building/ [19:52:26] maybe this is why I often delete items for spam reasons [20:26:27] yeay, we now have a subreddit property \o/ [20:26:27] https://query.wikidata.org/#%23defaultView%3AMap%0ASELECT %3Fitem %3FitemLabel %3Fcoords %3Fsubreddit WHERE {%0A %3Fitem wdt%3AP3984 %3Fsubreddit .%0A %3Fitem wdt%3AP625 %3Fcoords%0A SERVICE wikibase%3Alabel { bd%3AserviceParam wikibase%3Alanguage "en" }%0A} [20:26:53] http://tinyurl.com/lw59hdu