[06:55:06] Good morning ... are people aware that petscan is not working ? [06:55:30] if not where can I raise this ? [07:42:31] It is back again :) [09:03:30] Food! https://www.lieferando.de/lieferservice-thai-viet-berlin#! [13:22:33] Do we have a property for ''organisational structure''? (Like: "organisational structure: Hierarchy") [13:24:38] I was thinking about ''Governance'', but that gives none. [13:30:43] Rodejong: we have https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P208 and https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P194 for political things [13:32:50] Not the thing I was looking for Sjoerddebruin :) I was looking for a property that tells how an organisation is build up. (like a hierarchy) [13:34:34] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P749, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P355 and https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P199 [13:40:47] Ja I know these, but in a religious organisation unusable. I'm looking for a property where you can define how many layers there are in the organisation. Like priest, bishop, pope. Etc. That is a hierarchy. So in a infoboks I want to be able to define if an organisation is a Hierarchy or not. The given properties are to specific. [13:41:00] Ah. [13:41:39] That would probably require separate items and using https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P2670 on the organisation. [13:41:52] (and using those items as P39) [13:45:41] Hmmm [13:45:46] eh... [13:49:14] It's not what I could use to answer https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q188619 with. [17:12:26] Amarapura, Bellary from vi.wiki is wrongly linked to Q454949 (Amarapura in Mandalay, Myanmar) - how does one remove wrongly linked languages ? [17:13:36] oh - darn - forget it! ;)