[00:22:28] RECOVERY - puppet last run on wdqs1002 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 38 seconds ago with 0 failures [08:35:59] how do I denote someone is 'acting [08:36:05] 'acting' ~~~~? [08:37:29] ie. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12625765 is acting president of South Korea, but it just says "President of ROK" [08:53:35] you use a qualifier [08:53:58] I am not so fussy [08:54:17] when someone is the president he is [09:05:31] GerardM: what qualifier? [09:06:14] the value is something you can create [09:06:21] I thought it already exist [09:06:21] kk [09:06:33] the property I do not know .. it could be status or something [09:07:14] 17:54:16 when someone is the president he is -> he isn't, he is prime minister whose presidential permission has been delegated by law [09:07:37] Right.. and in a list of presidents he is still the president [09:07:59] cuz new president election is set to be held by 9 May [09:08:00] you can qualify it but he is [09:08:14] so there is no president? [09:08:20] yes [09:08:25] no president [09:08:35] right then do not add a president [09:08:41] your choice [09:09:40] I'd better ask PC [09:23:52] q [09:23:53] q [09:23:53] w [09:23:54] e [09:23:54] r [09:23:54] t [09:23:55] y [09:23:55] u [09:23:56] [12:34:13] Anyone know RDF and SPARQL? [12:34:40] Because not sure where else to ask. The Wikibase data output RDF wise does not integrate with the Wikibase query engine. [12:35:28] And myself and my developer don't know enough about RDF and SPARQL to figure out how to get the two to integrate, or what alternatives exist query engine wise to try to install to get that to work. [12:41:51] According to developer, issue is, "I'm following the https://github.com/wikimedia/wikidata-query-rdf/blob/master/docs/getting-started.md instructions but in the pre-processing step, using the RDF output of our custom Wikibase install, I get `Unrecognized subjects: ` ... `Expected only sitelinks and subjects starting with http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData and http://www.wikidata.org/entity/` - but all the subjects d [12:42:08] this list of subjects is from `unknownSubjects` in `Munger.java`, but how is this list derived from the RDF? [12:43:05] LauraHale: What is your end goal exactly? [12:43:37] Get a query engine to work on a Wikibase install. [12:43:48] It might help if you the communication is not <-> Laura <-> #wikidata [12:44:27] will go poke him to join here. [12:44:50] So your wikibase install should be able to dump RDF [12:45:11] These urls won't start with http://www.wikidata.org/entity/ because your wiki is running on a different url [12:46:01] Developer friend is going to join. [12:46:12] Because we've spent a few weeks this [12:46:18] So my assumption would be that you have to update the configuration to point to your wiki [12:46:22] He had already replaced the URLs [12:46:54] he just said there were a lot of them so finding them all is difficult as not clear where they all are. [12:48:12] SMalyshev is the query engine guru, but I think he's based out of SF so probably sound asleep [12:48:25] mparaz is my developer person :) [12:48:33] He is in Australia and I am in Spain, so yeah. [12:48:58] I just could not find any Wikibase installs that had run a query engine. [12:49:03] hi I'm the one working on the import for the query [12:49:05] All nicely spaced 8 hours apart :P [12:49:07] The big Italian project doesn't appear to have done that. [12:49:21] I haven't seen that either [12:49:54] It is part of the frustration. Wikibase has a lot of potential, if the query engine issue is workable. :( [12:50:11] so, before following the instructions, I had already replaced our URL with wikidata.org since I saw that the import tools and the Blazegraph plugin refer to it [12:51:17] mparaz: You found dist/src/script/ldf-config.json ? [12:51:40] I just cloned it and did a ~/wikidata-query-rdf$ grep -r www.wikidata.org/entity/ * [12:52:55] I see it.. my RDF now follows these URLs. [12:54:21] so my fundamental problem is I don't know how this import system works... is it possible that it is specific only to Wikidata? [12:58:18] Sure looks like it. So you'll have to change the configuration to have it look at another wiki [12:59:16] thanks multichill! [13:12:37] yes, thanks multichill :) [13:28:04] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q16220806&type=revision&diff=467707887&oldid=434485102 <- not sure how useful this is..... [14:48:49] how does one use {{#statements}} or {{#property}} to get the interwiki links? [14:49:29] getSiteLink in isn't set for arbitrary use [20:05:05] hi everyone [20:06:19] hi [20:09:37] i need some help regarding femenine and masculine form of occupations [20:09:54] more specifically trans woman and man [20:12:30] for example.. [20:13:00] you have the occupation 'actor' in wikidata [20:13:21] and the femenine form of this occupation is 'actress' [20:13:29] anyone follows?..